Dilşat Canbaz: ‘We are strong, we will get more stronger!’ 2021-08-05 11:37:57   Marta Sömek    ISTANBUL - Evaluating the racist attacks, massacres, public meeting in Esenyurt, the message given by thousands and the current situation after the HDP was targeted, HDP MP Dilşat Canbaz gave the following message about all hate speech, the language of the government and the policy of destruction the Kurdish people: ‘’We are strong. We will get more stronger.’’   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) held a public meeting in Esenyurt Square on August 2 as part of the ‘’We are HDP members, we are everywhere’’ campaign. At the meeting attended by thousands of people, HDP Co-chair Pervin Buldan was greeted with great enthusiasm with the slogans ‘’HDP is the people, the people are here.’’ The message was given to everyone who was led by the government, adorned with racist, fascist, hate language, and who made the HDP a target, that they showed that HDP was not alone with this enthusiasm and unity.   On the other hand, racist attacks, which have been occuring rapidly for a few months, also cause massacres. First, Deniz Poyraz was murdered in the HDP Izmir Provincial Building, then the racist attacks continued one after the other, and Hakim Dal was murdered as a result of the racist attack on July 21. While the perpetrators of the attack were ‘rewarded’ by being protected, seven members of the Dedeoğulları family, including four women, were murdered as a result of the racist attack in Hasanköy, Meram district of Konya province.   HDP Istanbul MP Dilşat Canbaz, speaking to our agency about the racist attacks that started after the HDP was targeted, turned into massacres, the message given by thousands at the public meeting in Esenyurt, and the current situation gave this message: ‘’We are strong, we will get more stronger!’’   ‘Our comrade Deniz was killed by the hand of the police’   Dilşat said: ‘’The rally in Esenyurt was actually a public meeting, but thousands of people were here. Many people came from the first district to the third district, from Kadıköy to Esenyurt and from many regions.’’ She said that they came together against all the racist massacres, the hate language of the government and the HDP being targeted. Stating that Deniz Poyraz was murdered under police control in the HDP Izmir Provincial Building, Dilşat continued: ‘’A month ago, he entered the provincial building of the third largest political party of the country in Izmir, and murdered our comrade Deniz, a woman comrade. She was murdered both under the control of the police and by the hand of the police. We know very well who the murderers and the instigators are, because this language of hatred was a language that provoking people to each other and polarized, and most recently, our family of seven was killed in the racist attack in Konya on July 30.’’   ‘It is enough!’   Stating that seven people from the Kurdish family who were murdered in Konya were buried with the participation of HDP Co-chair Mithat Sancar and a delegation, Dilşat emphasized that solidarity and togetherness are needed most in this process. She said: ‘’We were here today to say exactly these things, we were here today to give voice to the femicides, to shout about the laws on child abuse.’’ Dilşat also stated that the forest fires and the government still play victimization policy and underlined that they met to say ‘enough is enough!’’   ‘We will be side by side with our people’   Dilşat emphasized that they showed the message that the people wanted to convey to the government that the HDP cannot be shut down and that the attacks and massacres against the Kurdish people will not discourage the Kurds from their struggle, in Esenyurt Square. Dilşat continued as follows: ‘’As our Co-chair Pervin said, thousands were here in Esenyurt Square, and with the strength we received from those thousands, we will again be in our regions to work side by side with our people on the field. We want all of us to have a clear path. Our Istanbul Provincial Co-chairs, Party Council and Central Executive Board members including our MPs were done good work with our people and we have seen that work here.’’   ‘The state has a policy of destruction on the Kurds’   Dilşat shared that their meeting in Istanbul gave the start of Marmara within the scope of the ‘’We are HDP members, we are everywhere’’ campaign, and conveyed the message that these actions will continue in Bingöl, Aydın, Bursa, Diyarbakır and many other places and that they will be side by side with the people. Dilşat reacted to the rhetorics of ‘’this is an discrete incident’’ when Deniz Poyraz was murdered, ‘’these are individual enmities’’ in the racist attack on the Kurdish family on July 21, and ‘’the hostility between two families’’ regarding the murder of seven people in Konya on July 30. Dilşat said: ‘’This is actually the policy of impunity, because we did not just experience the language of hatred and the massacre of the Kurds today; there are many massacres that followed in the Dersim Massacre, the Zilan Massacre, the Koçgiri Massacre, and many more. The state has a policy of destruction against the Kurds, from the past to the present.’’   ‘Everyone has declared an all-out war against us’   Expressing that the Kurdish people and all the oppressed peoples have a lot to say, Dilşat underlined that it is time to come together and unite in solidarity in this period. Dilşat stated that they knew who the policies of impunity, the perpetrators and the instigators are, and said: ‘’The heads of power are already doing these things.’’ Emphasizing that the Kurdish people were prevented from coming together, Dilşat stated: ‘’Taking courage from this, everyone has declared a total war against us with their guns, knives and fuel in their hands. The concept of war they created is present with the special action police, the security branch, the fight against terrorism, the helicopter, and the long-barreled weapon, including this atmosphere you see today. But we are here today, and we will continue to be here.’’   Finally, Dilşat said about all hate speech, the language of the government and the policy of destruction the Kurdish people, stated: ‘’We are strong, we will get more stronger.’’