DFG report: 4 custodies 15 ill-treatments 2021-08-04 15:50:02   DİYARBAKIR - According to the DFG’s report for July, four journalists were detained and 15 journalists were ill-treated.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) has published the ‘’July 2021 report on rights violations against journalists’’, which it has prepared regarding the violations of rights against journalists in the last month.   In the report, it was stated that journalists went through all kinds of difficulties in order to convey the truth to the public, and it was noted that the efforts of the ruling wing to create a media/press of their own and their attempts to criminalize journalists increased the extent of rights violations in the field of press. In the report mentioned: ‘’Journalists had to grapple with violations of their rights again in July. Investigations, lawsuits and trials were never lacking for a month. However, the difficulties they encountered while following the news in the field began to pressure our colleagues seriously. The fact that law enforcements try to prevent journalists as much as possible and often resort to violence further complicates the working conditions of journalists.   ‘Journalists targeted’   In the report, which states that there was a harsh intervention by the police in the demonstrations held to commemorate the 33 people who were murdered in Suruç, stated: ‘’The fact that eight journalists were subjected to reckless police violence in Istanbul has caused a situation that worries us deeply. Again towards the end of the month, journalists were once again targeted in protest demonstrations after all members of a Kurdish family were killed in a racist attack in Konya. Especially in Istanbul, six journalists were first attacked by a racist/fascist group, and then two journalists were tortured and detained by the police. Of course, journalists were subjected to police violence in Ankara, Diyarbakır and Van similarly. In many social demonstrations across the country, the direct targeting, beating of journalists, preventing them from doing their duty, and especially the effort to blackout the news, is actually a clear indication of how reckless the government and law enforcement forces have become.’’   ‘Journalists are no one’s agents’   ‘’Two women journalists working for JinNews, the only women agency in the country, were subjected to threats and imposition of spying by people who introduced themselves as police,’’ it said in report. The following was stated: ‘’Journalists are nobody's informants/agents. Neither the state nor other organizations should look at our news if they want to get information. In July, the news that an execution list of 55 people against Kurds, opposition politicians and journalists was created in Europe was among the hot topics of the agenda. Journalist Erk Acarer, whose name was stated on the list, was first attacked at his home and then a threatening message was left in front of his house. Again, journalist Celal Başlangıç was warned by the German polices because his name was on the execution list.’’   The following informations were included in the report:   * Detained Journalists: four * Torture and Ill- treatment to Journalists: 15 * Attacked Journalists: 14 * Threat and Agency Imposition: four * Journalists whose news follow-up is blocked: 12 * Journalists who were investigated: two * Journalists who were sued: one * Penalized Journalists: 11 months and 20 days in prison for one person, Suspension for one person * Journalists on Trial: 17 files, 56 journalists * The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) Penalties: 15 penalties for six channels * Internet Access Block: 283 news, seven websites, two digital media content * Dismissal Journalists: one * Number of Arrested Journalists (as of August 4, 2021): 65