Alevi women: ‘Genocide committed against Ezidis should be recognized’ 2021-08-03 15:12:02   NEWS CENTER - The Women’s Council of Democratic Alevi Associations, which made a statement on the anniversary of the massacre committed by ISIS against the Ezidis on August 3, 2014, in Shengal, stated that the massacre against the Ezidis should be recognized as genocide. It called for August 3 to be declared as the ‘International Day of Action Against Femicide and Genocide’.   The Women’s Council of Democratic Alevi Associations made a statement on the anniversary of the massacre carried out by ISIS on August 3, 2014, in Shengal. The statement called for the declaration of August 3 as the International Day of Action against Femicide and Genocide.   The statement, which started with the phrase ‘’Ezidi women who wake up before the sun and give birth to the sun’’, was described as the most brutal genocide of the 21st century. The statement continued as follows: ‘’In this genocide, called the 73rd Edict, ISIS massacred thousands of Ezidis with the help of imperialist powers. Although seven years have passed, the wounds are still not healed. ISIS also committed a major femicide. Women were raped, sold in slave bazaars, tortured, and the fate of the women and children held captive by ISIS is still unknown.’’   ‘The cries of the peacock echoed in the middle of the desert’   Emphasizing that Ezidi Kurdish women showed great resistance, it was emphasized that women choose self-defense areas. In the continuation of the statement, which states that many countries remained silent about the massacre and did not see it as genocide, it continued: ‘’While we once again condemn the massacre against Ezidi Kurdish people in its 7th year, we commemorate those who were massacred with respect. The massacre against Ezidis should be recognized as genocide, and August 3 should be recognized as the International Day of Action Against Femicide and Genocide.’’