United Kurdish Women’s Platform: Let’s stand up to attacks with national unity 2021-08-02 17:15:02   NEWS CENTER - The United Kurdish Women’s Platform made a statement regarding the murder of the Dedeoğulları family as a result of racist attacks in the Meram district of Konya, calling on all Kurdish electeds and stating that the only way to stand against the attacks is national unity.   The United Kurdish Women’s Platform made a written statement on the murder of seven citizens from the Dedeoğulları family as a result of racist attacks in the Meram district of Konya on July 30. In the statement underlining national unity as a solution to racist attacks, it was emphasized that they knew the perpetrators of the massacre from previous massacres.   ‘We know those who responsible for the massacre’   The platform started with its condolences to the Dedeoğulları family and the Kurdish people for the massacre, and said: ‘’This massacre is the most concrete example of the intolerance against the Kurdish identity. The sole target of fascism and racism throughout history has been the destruction of Kurdish identity, language and culture. We know about the attacks against the Kurdish people from Geliye Zilan, Dersim, Koçgiri and the Êzidî Genocide. We know those who attacked Kurdish women from Leyla Qasım, Şirin Elemhûli, Mother Taybet and Deniz Poyraz.   Call for national unity against attacks   In the continuation of the statement, the call was made by emphasizing the urgent need for Kurdish unity as a result of the recent attacks: ‘’As a united Kurdish Women’s Platform, we repeat our call to the Kurdish electeds and pioneers in all four parts. The only way to stop the attacks is the formation of national unity. Let’s build our national unity and stop the attacks.’’