‘Turkey has turned into fascist state’ 2021-07-31 17:07:24   URFA - Urfa Labor and Democracy Platform, which made a press release against the massacre of the Kurdish family in Konya, said: ‘’Turkey has turned into a fascist state dominated by the mafia order.’’ Urfa Labor and Democracy Platform made a press release in front of the Ahmet Bahçıvan Business Center in the center of Urfa regarding the murder of seven people in the racist attack against the Kurdish family in Konya's Meram district. The statement, in which the placards ‘’There is a massacre in Konya’’ and ‘’There is no pass for racism for common life’’ were carried, was attended by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Urfa MP Ayşe Sürücü, members of the Urfa Labor and Democracy Platform, HDP Urfa Provincial executives and many people. The Human Rights Association (IHD) Urfa Branch Executive Müslüm Saraçoğlu read the text of the statement on behalf of the mass. ‘The most concrete example of systematic impunity’ Reminding that the family, who was subjected to the racist attack in Konya, was attacked and complained about on May 12, Müslüm underlined that although the murdered family stated that the racist attacks and threats against them continued, the authorities did not take any precautions. Müslüm said: ‘’The evacuations have been concrete proof to the perpetrators and instigators that the judiciary and the ruling system under the leadership of the AKP and MHP disregard the property and life of the Kurds. Especially in the second racist attack that took place after the release, the most concrete form of the ongoing systematic impunity is revealed.’’ ‘Othering rhetoric legitimized the massacre’ Müslüm stated that an effective investigation was not carried out in the attacks and massacres against Kurds in Turkey, the perpetrators were not found and the trial was time-outed. Müslüm said: “The perpetrators and instigators of massacres and racist attacks are not prosecuted and punished as they should be in a social and democratic state of law, and they are legitimized and supported by the othering rhetoric of the AKP-MHP fascist bloc. The AKP-MHP bloc is the biggest supporter of the systematic realization of these attacks by directing the chaos it has been experiencing against Kurds, non-Muslims, immigrants and opponents.’’ ‘It has turned into a fascist state’ In the statement, Müslüm reminded that Konya Provincial Police Chief Engin Dinç was aware of the attack on Hrant Dink and kept the intelligence on the 10 October Massacre awaited, and asked: ‘’Is it a coincidence that this person was brought in Meram shortly before the massacre of the Kurdish family?’’ Müslüm said: ‘’Turkey has turned into a fascist state dominated by the mafia order. It is clear from the widespread racial hate speech and acts of violence that the general and discriminatory judicial passivity in Turkey mainly affects “vulnerable individuals”, even if not intentionally. On an ongoing basis, hate speech and widespread acts of violence against Kurdish identity should not be seen as discrete and judicial events. Due to the language of violence and discriminatory policies, attacks on the Kurdish identity, the inadequacy of the law enforcement officers in security measures, and the lack of effective judicial action, seven members of the same family were murdered. With these attacks was deemed proper to Kurds, it is shown that it is legitimate to attack and murder a Kurd.’’ ‘We will follow the case’ Müslüm continued in his speech: ‘’Neither the person who murdered Deniz Poyraz was ‘a mentally ill person’, neither the attacks on seasonal Kurdish workers can be explained as discrete, nor the murder of seven people from a house in Konya can be explained as ‘insanity, heresy’. Those who insist on this cover up the racist and fascist attacks and legitimize the massacres that have been made and will be done. The Kurdish people are never alone. The Kurdish people will not remain silent, bow down or afraid in the face of these attacks. Kurds have the power to protect and enlarge their right to life and equal living opportunities. First of all, we convey our condolences to the Kurdish people regarding the murdered family members, and reject the practices and policies that paved the way for these attacks, harmed social peace and fueled conflict! We say that crimes committed within the scope of hate crimes with racist motives should be punished by carrying out an effective judicial activity, together with the determination of the perpetrators with intent and negligence. We will follow the case.’’