‘Justice Watch’ continues despite 45 degree temperature 2021-07-30 16:36:18   URFA - Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar’s ‘justice watch’ entered its 144th day in the temperature of 45 degrees in front of the Urfa Courthouse, even though it was a judicial holiday.   The watch, which was started by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attacks, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who was injured in the attack, in front of the Urfa Courthouse, with the demand for ‘justice’, continues on the 144th day. Ferit Şenyaşar came alone in front of the courthouse because his mother Emine Şenyaşar went to see his son Fadıl Şenyaşar, who has been in solitary confinement for more than three years in Elazığ Prison.   ‘The persecuting prosecutors are on vacation, we are on the justice watch’   Ferit Şenyaşar put placards which he placed in front of the concrete blocks in front of the courthouse as ‘’Justice For All’’, ‘’A mother has been on watch in front of the Urfa Justice Palace for 144 days. Her two children and her husband were killed in the hospital, because there was a MP in the massacre, no lawsuit has been filed for three years.’’   Drawing attention to the judicial holiday period that will last until August 31, Ferit said: “Our struggle for justice is on its 144th day. Today I stand alone, because my mother went to visit her son, who has been unlawfully held in solitary confinement for three years. Our struggle for justice continues in front of the Urfa Courthouse. At the moment, there is a judicial holiday in Turkey in the courthouse. The prosecutors who persecute through the judiciary are on vacation, we are here on justice watch. Justice is that sustains the state. Justice has no time off. There are millions of people who are suffering like us. Let prosecutors and court committees provide justice and then take a vacation. It is unacceptable for prosecutors and judges to be on vacation when there are oppressed people seeking justice under persecution. We want justice, law.’’   ‘We are waiting at 45 degrees until the evening’   Ferit, repeating the call for solidarity from legal organizations, continued: ‘’This struggle will continue. When the day comes, these prosecutors who persecute by the judiciary today will also be paid for. We will be here on watch until the day of justice comes. My mother is sick, over 65-year-old, she waits here at 45 degrees from morning to evening. We want this persecution to end.’’   ‘Evidences of crimes against humanity’   The family also shared a photo of the ambulance destroyed in the attacks on June 14, 2018, and the Case Report of the General Directorate of Family Health Services, on their digital media accounts, said: ‘’Nothing is permanent. The chosen ones will go one day. Prosecutors and officials, acting according to the instructions of the elected, will be held accountable before the judiciary when the day comes. Evidence of crimes against humanity.’’