Forest fires continue in 4 provinces: 3 people lose their lives 2021-07-29 15:35:56   NEWS CENTER - The forest fires that started yesterday in Adana, Antalya, Osmaniye and Mersin continue to affect. Three people lost their lives in the fire that has been going on since yesterday in Manavgat.   Four cities in the south of Turkey have surrendered to the flames due to forest fires. The fires in Adana, Antalya, Osmaniye and Mersin have not been brought under control yet.   Three people died in Manavgat   The fire, which started at four different points in the Manavgat district of Antalya yesterday at noon, grew in a short time with the effect of the wind and reached the district center. Yeniköy, Evrenseki and Kalemler Neighborhoods were emptied due to the emerging danger. The fire, in which the extinguishing works continued, spread to Kepezbeleni Neighborhood in Akseki district and around Oymapınar Dam in Manavgat district in the morning hours. Due to the fire, some houses in Kepezbeleni District and Karavca, Güzelyalı, Saraçlı, Çeltikçi and Ulukapı Neighborhoods of Manavgat district were emptied.  Three people have died in the fire so far.   Investigation started   Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli announced that the fire in Manavgat was under control, but the fire in Akseki continued. The Minister stated that 10 people were stuck in the Oymapınar Dam and that the rescue helicopter could not go to the region due to excessive wind. The Minister also informed that a total of 34 villages and neighborhoods were emptied. On the other hand, the Manavgat Chief Public Prosecutor's Office announced that an investigation was launched into the fires at four different points in the district.   The fire in Osmaniye continues   The forest fire that started yesterday in the center and Kadirli district of Osmaniye still continues. The fire, which started at around 13.00 yesterday in the forest area between Karatepe and Bozkuyu villages of Kadirli, could not be brought under control yet due to the wind on the second day.   The air intervention works, which were interrupted yesterday due to the darkening of the sky, resumed with the light of the day. The fire, which spread to the settlements, burned the houses and gardens, and killed the animals in the barns, could not be brought under control despite the intervention from the land at night. In order to extinguish the fire, which is growing rapidly with the effect of the wind, the intervention of the teams from the land and air continues.   Six detentions   It was learned that the forest fire in the Dereobası Neighborhood of Osmaniye center was taken under control during the night hours and the cooling works continued. It was reported that the interrogation of six people who were detained on suspicion of starting the forest fire in Dereobası Neighborhood continues.   Fire could not be taken under control in Adana   Again, air and land interventions of the teams against the fires that broke out yesterday in the forest areas in Adana's Kozan and Aladağ districts continue. The fire, which broke out in the forest area at 19.45 yesterday evening in the Akdam Neighborhood of Kozan, grew in a short time with the effect of the wind. Due to the darkness of sky, the teams intervened in the fire in the first place from the land. The intervention of construction equipment, water tender and personnel continued throughout the night. The fire could not be taken under control at night.   Many houses in seven villages close to the fire area, which were emptied for precautionary purposes, surrendered to the flames. The firefighting continues.   Extinguishing works continue in Mersin   Forest fires that broke out yesterday in Silifke and Aydıncık districts of Mersin continue. A fire broke out in the forest area in the Boğsak location of Silifke for an undetermined reason. The teams, who were directed to the region upon the notice, began to intervene in the flames from the air and from the land.   Teams continue to work to take the fire under control. The fire, which started in the Pembecik Neighborhood of Aydıncık at noon and threatened the settlements, grew rapidly with the effect of the wind. While five villages were emptied a precautionary measure, the intervention of the teams continues.