Eğitim-Sen visits Şenyaşar family 2021-07-28 15:19:26   URFA - Eğitim-Sen Diyarbakır Branches visited Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who have been on the justice watch for 142 days.   The vigil, which was started by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attacks, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who was injured in the attack, in front of the Urfa Courthouse with the demand for ‘’justice’’, continues on the 142nd day. After making weekly phone calls with Fadıl Şenyaşar, who has been in solitary confinement for more than three years in Elazığ Prison, Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar came to the courthouse as they do every day.   The executives of the Education and Science Workers’ Union (Egitim-Sen) No. 1,2 and 3 Diyarbakır Branches visited the family of Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar and supported the action. The family welcomed the delegation with placards saying ‘’Justice for my murdered children, justice for all’’ and ‘’We want justice’’. Health and Social Services Workers’ Union (SES) Urfa Branch and Eğitim-Sen Urfa Branch executives also accompanied the delegation.   ‘Those who murdered us are walking around in Suruç’   Emine told the delegation about her witnesses of the massacre that took place on June 14, 2018, and her struggle for justice afterwards. Mentioning to the obstacles they have faced during the ‘’justice’’ watch they have been carrying out in front of the Urfa Courthouse since March 9, 2021, Emine told the police who recorded their speech with the camera, ‘’Those who murdered us are walking around in Suruç. Go follow them instead of following us. Where is the state? There is no justice in this state.’’   ‘Let justice be done’   Then, Diyarbakır No. 2 Branch Executive Fesih Zirek, who took the floor on behalf of the Eğitim-Sen delegation, said: ‘’No matter where, how or to whom, rights and justice must be met. The family has been sitting here for a long time demanding justice. The family wants whoever is guilty to be found guilty and punished. All they want is truth and justice. As a union, we say the following: no matter who, where or how, we say that rights, law and justice must be fulfilled.’’   ‘Perpetrators of crimes against humanity are clear’   Ferit, who is on the ‘’justice’’ watch with his mother, said: ‘’Our struggle for justice continues with solidarity in the face of what happened. We are fighting for a right here. A massacre was committed in Suruç State Hospital in front of the public employees. Ambulances carrying us were smashed. Their wheels were shot. It is clear who committed this crime against humanity. Since there is a deputy of the ruling party among them, we cannot find a courageous prosecutor to open the file. We wanted to meet with the eighth prosecutor who looked at our file yesterday, but unfortunately we couldn't find it. Hundreds of lawyers follow the file, but there is no interlocutor on the other side. This case will not go on like this. We continue to struggle with determination, we thank those who visited us.’’ The delegation also kept watch for a while with the family.