Avesta Cemetery brought to parliament’s agenda 2021-07-26 17:13:00     ANKARA - HDP MP Feleknas Uca brought the destruction of the Avesta Cemetery in Efrîn, the theft of tombstones and the disinformation of Anadolu Agency to the agenda of the parliament.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman MP Feleknas Uca brought the disentomb of the funerals of the YPG-YPJ and civilians from the Avesta Cemetery in the city of Efrîn in North-East Syria, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary groups, to the parliament's agenda. In the parliamentary question, which was submitted with the request of Vice President Fuat Oktay to respond, attention was also drawn to the destruction of the cemetery in the Şêxorze village of Efrîn by paramilitary groups. In the parliamentary question, Anadolu Agency's ‘’mass grave’’ disinformation was included, pointing out that the destroyed tombstones were either sold or used to build fence in the gardens of the houses where the groups stayed.   ‘Cemetery is not a mass grave but a public cemetery’   In the parliamentary question mentioned: ‘’However, it has been revealed that the cemetery is located on a land belonging to a citizen behind the Efrîn Local Government Council and was opened when the attacks of the Turkish army and armed groups started, their dead were buried here because the people could not reach the graves, and that the cemetery is not a mass grave but a public cemetery. On the other hand; Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu made bairam visits in  Efrîn and received information about the activities there.’’