Relatives of disappeared ask about fate of İhsan Haran 2021-07-24 14:44:59     DİYARBAKIR - The IHD Diyarbakır Branch and the relatives of the disappeared asked about the fate of İhsan Haran, who disappeared in Diyarbakır in 1994 and could not be heard from.   The Diyarbakır Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the relatives of the disappeared carried out the 650th of their actions, which they carried out with the slogan ‘’Let the disappeareds find, let the perpetrators be prosecuted’’ online due to the epidemics. In this week's action, the fate of İhsan Haran, who was never heard from again after he was detained by people with a radio in the vicinity of Çiftkapı in Diyarbakır's Yenişehir district on December 25, 1994, was asked.   The story of İhsan Haran was told by Sedat Gördük who is board member of the IHD Diyarbakır Branch.   ‘Abducted by people with police radio’   Saying that İhsan lived in Arıklı (Hüseynike) Village in Diyarbakır's Lice district in 1994, Sedat stated that after the soldiers burned their village, İhsan settled in Diyarbakır city center and was abducted by people with police radios in their hands in the Çiftkapı district in the same year. Sedat noted that after the abduction witnessed by some eyewitnesses, Nesibe Haran made attempts to find her husband. However, Sedat stated that due to the failure of these attempts, it applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) through the IHD and said that following this application, the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation into İhsan's abduction on February 26, 1996.   Turkey has been sentenced to pay compensation   Sadat stated that the prosecutor's office issued a "non-prosecution" decision on the investigation on January 21, 1998, on the grounds that there was not enough evidence that Haran was disappeared in custody. In addition, Sedat stated that the ECtHR's decision on October 6, 2005 sentenced Turkey to pay compensation. Mentioning that Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-terror Unit (JITEM) confessor Abdulkadir Aygan also made statements that would enlighten many disappearances in the cities of the region that were reflected in the press in 2009, Sedat reminded that he also gave information about the disappearance of İhsan Haran.   ‘No response received’   Stating that Nesibe Haran filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutor's office after the confession, Sedat noted that no response was given as to whether an investigation was launched regarding these statements and that İhsan Haran was never heard from again.