‘Kurdish woman is resisting against masculine system and isolation’ 2021-07-23 11:30:56     Sema Çağlak   DİYARBAKIR - TJA activist Zülfiye Kişmir pointed out that the isolation imposed on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is applied to every area of the resisting society, especially women and children, and stressed that the isolation cannot be handled independently of all these. Zülfiye said that the voice of Kurdish women, who resisted the masculine system and isolation, was tried to be silenced.   The hunger strike launched by Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, to demand an end to the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and to end the increasing violations of rights in prisons continues. The hunger strike, which is carried out on an indefinite-alternately every five days, continues alternately every 15 days since July with the 47th group. The action has entered its 239th day as of today. Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activist Zülfiye Kişmir made comments on the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.   ‘Only Kurds oppose the masculine system’   Zülfiye said that the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan was applied to society, life and women at the same time, and that this was so that women would not stand on their own feet, that the society could not defend itself, and that it could not claim rights. Zülfiye said: ‘’If we consider the isolation on Mr. Öcalan, none of the state, international balances and local politics are separate from each other. Only the Kurds are opposed to the masculine power system woven around the world.’   ‘Mafia-like politics’   Noting that another area affected by the isolation is the economy, Zülfiye summarized this situation as follows: ‘’Declaring war on the Kurds and applying pressure is part of the isolation. The country's economy is in the hands of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). On the one hand, the society is disciplined with hunger, on the other hand, the development of the society is not ensured, it makes it dependent on itself. This brings with it a mafia-like politics. It puts those who raise their voices against it directly to prison. For the last five years, these fascist approaches of the government have been applied not only to the Kurdish people, but also to the peoples of the country. Society is locked inside the house. This is how he tries to cover up his thefts. With this, he is trying to prolong his own life.’’   ‘The voice of the woman who is aware of her power is being silenced’   Drawing attention to Kurdish women resisting the masculine system and isolation, Zülfiye pointed out that the government is trying to suppress this resistance with constant pressure. Reiterating that the isolation is mostly imposed on women, Zülfiye said: ‘’Before the Kurdish freedom struggle, women were in isolation for thousands of years. The existence of the woman was not even mentioned. Together with the Kurdish freedom movement, she became aware of her woman identity. This resulted from Mr. Öcalan's handling of women's liberation and the policies in which society would not be liberated without women's freedom. The woman also realized her strength that creates the life. At the stage we have reached today, isolation is applied to silence the voice of the woman who is aware of her power. The woman who makes her voice is put in prison. Because if the woman becomes conscious, the powers will collapse’’   ‘Femicides are not independent from isolation’   Noting that there has been an increase in violence, femicide and rape against women and children, Zülfiye said that all these events are not independent from the isolation. Zülfiye said: ‘’There was equal representation in local government elections. There was a co-chairship system. The community has now realized what the local government will do. There were women and violence units, women's associations, women's department and everything about women. She became aware of herself through the women's co-chairship system and studies on women. Women, too, saw that they have the right to speak and the decision mechanism in politics. So what happened? It appointed a trustee who runs the isolation system. There was staged a coup to women's rights.’’   ‘Prisons are another dimension of isolation’   Pointing out that prisons are another dimension of the isolation, Zülfiye talked about some of the rights violations that prisoners are subjected to in prison as follows: ‘’Books are not given in prisons, correspondence is blocked, exchange of views and ideas is prohibited, a hobby is a right, but even that is prohibited. These figures show how advanced the isolation is.’’