July 19, 2012: Foundations of Rojava Revolution laid 2021-07-19 12:31:33   The Kobanê People’s Assembly took over the administration of Kobanê and lighted the first fuse of the Rojava revolution, known as the ‘’Women’s Revolution’’. In the Syrian civil war that started on March 15, 2011, the peoples of Northern Syria laid the foundations for a third way to determine their own destiny against ISIS and the Assad regime on July 19, 2012.   The third road construction, which started in Kobanê, turned into the Rojava Revolution and became hope not only for the Kurdish people, but also for the Arabs, Turkmen, Armenians and Syriacs living in Syria. The peoples of Northern Syria, who insisted on a solution through democratic negotiations, were exposed to the attacks of ISIS and all forces hostile to the revolution. The peoples of Northern Syria, especially women, defeated the darkness of ISIS with a historical resistance that spread in waves starting from Kobanê.   The Northern Syrian revolution, regardless of religion, language, ethnic identity or political thought, offered an alternative system by becoming the shelter of the Syrian peoples who were exposed to the massacres of the ISIS and Assad regime. This system, in which people's assemblies are strong and people are directly involved in decision-making processes with the principle of equal representation, became an example of the conditions for the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the Middle East.   The co-chairship system is applied in self-governances created by the revolution covering Northern and Eastern Syria. Besides women's unique and autonomous institutions, they also have a separate self-defense force. The Rojava Revolution is known as a women's revolution created against the darkness embodied in the ISIS mentality.