Despite objections of citizens cutting begun 2021-07-17 12:25:45     MUĞLA - Despite the objections of the citizens, the cutting begun in the Akbelen Forests in the İkizköy Neighborhood of Milas. Life defenders called for support from their virtual media accounts.   In the Akbelen Forests of Muğla's Milas district, citizens had been carrying out vigil for a long time to prevent the trees from being cut. Vigil was againt that given permit to the YK Energy Incorporated Company by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for "mine open business" on 740 decares of forest. It was stated that as of this morning, the cutting process has started by forest cutting officers accompanied by the Gendarmerie.   Citizens shared on their virtual media accounts: ‘’They have entered the Akbelen Forests for cutting, your urgent support is needed.’’   Previously, a petition was submitted to the prosecutor's office by the Karadam and Karacahisar Neighborhoods, the Nature and Natural Life Protection, Beautification and Solidarity Association (KARDOK). In the petition, it was demanded that a public lawsuit be filed against the officials of the General Directorate of Forestry, on charges of continuing the administrative procedure regarding forest cutting, against Article 305 of the Turkish Criminal Law, Article 257 of the Turkish Criminal Law and the Environmental Law No. 2872. A criminal complaint was filed with the Milas Public Prosecutor's Office against the General Director of Forestry and Deputy General Directors. Two days ago, the citizens carried out a vigil with the heard of that they would come for cutting process.