Emine Şenyaşar: They persecuted us in custody 2021-07-15 14:05:57     URFA - Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar continue their ‘justice’ watch in front of the Urfa Courthouse. Stating that they were arbitrarily detained yesterday, Emine said: ‘’A police who came with us constantly persecuted us. He tried to hit us. I worsen in the hospital. Why are they doing this to us?’’   The "justice watch" started in front of the Urfa Courthouse by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attacks, and her son Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attacks with injuries, continued on the 127th day. Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who arrived in front of the courthouse early in the morning despite the fact that it was a public holiday due to the July 15 coup attempt, started their watch.   Emine Şenyaşar: We were arbitrarily detained   Speaking to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA), mother Emine Şenyaşar, who was detained in front of the courthouse with her son before HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan's arrival in the city yesterday, were detained without any prosecutor's orders. Emine said that they were arbitrarily detained.   ‘I worsen in the hospital’   Stating that their vehicles were stopped by the police at the entrance of Urfa city center and taken into custody, Emine said: ‘’They knew that Pervin Buldan was coming. They are doing this just so she does not see us. They have done the same thing before. They are constantly preventing us like this. After teh Co-chair left, they released us. There was a police who came with us. He constantly persecuted us. He tried to hit us. I worsen in the hospital, my son cried. That police persecuted us a lot. Why are they doing this to us?’’   ‘We are constantly being followed’   ‘’Who murdered my family?’’ Emine asked, and continued as follows: ‘’They are still after us. They follow us step by step. What did you see about us? There is no state, no government, no justice, only cruelty. They killed three people from my family. They put my son in prison. The persecution still continues. We are not allowed to enter the courthouse. The prosecutor does not want to see us. They murdered my family out of nothing. My children were paying taxes to this state. The follow us starts in front of our house. Wherever we go, they follow us all the time. They are after us, trying to find a crime. To make our burden even hard.’’   Arbitrary detention   Ferit Şenyaşar, on the other hand, stated that they were detained for the fifth time since they started the justice watch. Ferit, who said that they are used to being detained now, said: ‘’When a MP or the chairperson of a party comes to Urfa, they detain us because they think they will visit us. Everyone knows this. Because our suffering is known. Second visit of HDP Co-Chair to Urfa. The police are unlawfully detaining us in case they can visit us. This is crime. Using the prosecutor's name, they made a detention warrant. The prosecutor, whom the bar association management and our lawyers intervened and talked to, said ‘I have not made any detention warrant. The police are doing something on their own.’ When I spoke to the chief at the police station, he said to us, ‘Yes, I can do identification, but there must be a crime in order to do this.’ However, there was no accusation against me.”   ‘Let’s say stop to the persecution together’   Sharing that they were brought around three hospitals and two police stations throughout the day, Ferit made the following call: ‘’This is persecution. You are not fulfilling our demand for justice, at least not persecution. My mother is 65-year-old, we sit here from morning to night. We want justice. Three of our people were killed. No action was taken against the perpetrators of the massacre at the hospital. Let's all say ‘stop’ to this persecution.’’   ‘Let a decision be made for the MP who committed the massacre’   From the family's digital media account, the following was shared, referring to the dismissal of Boğaziçi University trustee Melih Bulu by the Presidential Decree: ‘’Good start. The people of Urfa are waiting for a decision at midnight for your MP who committed a massacre.’’