Hunger strike action on its 228th day 2021-07-12 13:33:32     NEWS CENTER - The hunger strike against the Imralı isolation and rights violations in prisons continues on the 228th day with the 46th group.   The indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched by Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, demanding the end of the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and an end to the increasing violations of rights in prisons, continues on the 228th day with the 46th group.   Deniz Kaya made a written statement on behalf of PKK and PJAK prisoners on the occasion of the anniversary of the July 14 Great Death Fast Resistance. In the statement, said: ‘’As we leave behind the 39th year of the July 14 Great Death Fast Resistance, which was initiated against the September 12 fascist regime, we commemorate all martyrs of the revolution with respect in the person of comrades Kemal Pir, Hayri Durmuş, Akif Yılmaz and Ali Çiçek. As their successors, we reiterate our promise to realize their goals and ideals.’’   In addition, in the statement, it was announced to the public that the hunger strikes, which continue on the 228th day in prisons against the isolation in Imralı, will continue for alternately 15 days on the anniversary of the Great Death Fast on July 14.