Indictment of closure case served to HDP 2021-07-10 14:59:34   ANKARA - While the indictment of the closing case was served to the HDP, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) made a statement on the issue via the virtual media and announced that it was preparing for a comprehensive political defense within the framework of democracy and law.   After the Constitutional Court accepted the indictment prepared by the Supreme Court of Appeals Public Prosecutor's Office, the closing case was sued to the HDP for the second time. In the 843-page indictment prepared for the case, a political ban is requested against 451 names, including HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, as well as former HDP Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş and co-mayors.   Preparing to defend   The indictment of the case was served to HDP yesterday. HDP made a statement on the subject from its virtual media account and said: ‘’The first indictment of the closure case was returned by the Constitutional Court on the anniversary of the March 31 elections, on the grounds that it did ‘not have a legal character’. The second indictment with minor changes was submitted on June 7, 2021, on the anniversary of the 7 June 2015 elections, when the AKP lost its power alone, and the Constitutional Court accepted the second indictment on June 21. Under the leading of our Law and Human Rights Commission, the defense team, including friend lawyers and academics, is preparing a comprehensive political defense that will defend not only HDP but also democracy and law against the indictment, which is a political attack against our party.’’