Resistance in prisons on its 224th day 2021-07-08 15:19:39     NEWS CENTER - The hunger strike against Imralı isolation and rights violations in prisons has entered its 224th day.   The indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched by Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, demanding the end of the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and an end to the increasing violations of rights in prisons, continues with the 45th group. Calls for sensitivity continue in Turkey and the region for the action, which is now on its 224th day.   ‘Isolation was aggravated instead of solving the problem’   The Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) continued their contacts in Bingöl yesterday, drawing attention to the isolation and hunger strike actions. DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, who met with women in the city, made evaluations about the process and pointed to the hunger strikes. Stating that DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven started a hunger strike in 2018, Saliha said that the whole world heard isolation and said: ‘’In the person of Leyla Güven, revenge is taken from women. If the government wants to give a message to the society, it first arrests and murders women. It trains all the soldiers and police it sent to Kurdistan so that it can do whatever it wants here. It does not punish any of them in cases of harassment and rape. In the face of all this, Mr. Abdullah Öcalan said something very clear; ‘’If the woman is liberated, the society becomes liberated.’’ If the Kurdish issue is solved, Turkey will become democratized. Mr. Öcalan insisted, ‘’Give me a week, I will solve this problem.’’ But they aggravated the isolation.’’   203rd day in Maxmur, 186th day in Lavrio   The hunger strike, which started on December 18, under the leading of women against the Imralı isolation in Maxmur Camp in the Federal Kurdistan Region and continued at the Maxmur Martyrs’ Families Association, has entered its 203rd day.   The indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched by those staying in Lavrio Camp in Greece to end the isolation on the PKK leader and to support the ongoing hunger strike in prisons is on its 186th day. The hunger strike in the camp is led by the Revolutionary Youth Movement (TCŞ-Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger), the European Kurdish Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistan a Ewropa) and the Kurdistan Cultural Center (Navenda Çanda Kurdistan).