They call out to Mesut Barzani: Face your past 2021-07-03 12:09:11   VAN - Women who oppose Turkey’s oppression and conflicts in Federated Kurdistan with the help of the KDP said: ‘’Barzani is bringing his own end with these attacks. Let's he face his own past and think about it. Sibling’s blood will not gain him anything.’’   While Turkey continues its attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region, the attitude of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) is met with a reaction by the Kurdish people. In particular, the KDP's publicly showing its support to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) causes a great reaction from the Kurdish people. The women criticized the KDP's collaboration regarding war policies and the AKP-MHP government's insistence on the Kurdish issue's solutionlessness.   ‘Sibling blood brings no gain’   Devlet Çiftçi said that the policy of "make the Kurds hurt the Kurds" has been going on for years and that the Kurds have always been a tool for this, and condemned the attacks carried out by the KDP. Reacting to KDP Chairperson Mesut Barzani with the words, ‘’What will Kurdish blood win to you?’’, and she continued: ‘’Despite everything, I say 'come' and do not come to this trick. Sibling blood brings no gain. ’Let's join hands again. We are siblings until we die. We want peace. We don't want war.’’   ‘Barzani should remember his past’   Recalling the ISIS attack on Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Region, Adalet Akdin reminded that the Kurdish people came to the help of the Iraqi government at that time and that resistance saved the people from a great disaster. Adalet stated: ‘’We don't want to kill each other. If we do not own Barzani, no one will. Once ISIS attacked Kirkuk, the Kurds saved Barzani again. Remember that period. What did Barzani gain after the destruction of ISIS? Let's he face his own past and think about it. Sibling blood will gain him nothing. We repeat again that as a woman we do not want war. Barzani should abandon these war policies and act together with the Kurdish people.’’   ‘Barzani is bringing his own end’   Hayriye Kıpçak, who stated that the KDP occasionally came to the game of foreign states and acted under their direction, emphasized that Mesut Barzani did not act according to the interests of the Kurds. Stating that Mesut Barzani does not produce policies aimed at protecting the interests of the Kurdish people, Hayriye said: ‘’Unfortunately, Barzani comes to the game of foreign states instead of Kurdish interests, and acts according to them. If Barzani continues in this way, he will bring about his own end.’’