6 years 3 months prison sentence to Gülistan Ensarioğlu 2021-07-02 15:27:05     DİYARBAKIR - In the hearing of Eğil Municipality Co-Mayor Gülistan Ensarioğlu, who was replaced by a trustee, the court sentenced her to six years and three months in prison for ‘’being a member of a terrorist organization.’’   Decision hearing of the case of Eğil Municipality Co-Mayor Gülistan Ensarioğlu, who was detained in the house raids on October 30 as part of the investigation carried out against the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), and who was subsequently released, and who replaced by a trustee, on the grounds of "membership in a terrorist organization", held in the Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court. Gülistan and her lawyers Feride Laçin and Uğur Bingöl were present at the hearing.   Request up to 15 years in prison   In the opinion given in the previous hearing, the prosecutor demanded a prison sentence of up to 15 years for Gülistan, who carries out DTK activities, on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization".   ‘A decision of acquittal was given in similar cases’   Gülistan's lawyers said that they repeated their written defense, that the elements of the crime charged against their clients did not occur, that she was a political party executive and that they did not participate in the opinion. Stating that they did not know who the digital materials obtained belonged to, the lawyers demanded acquittal, saying that there was no secret witness statement about their client, and that they had been acquitted in similar files.   The court sentenced Gülistan to six years and three months in prison, considering the crime of "being a member of a terrorist organization", the way the crime was committed, inclusion in crime, the gravity of the crime and the danger that emerged.