‘Withdrawal from convention is to be partner to violence’ 2021-07-02 14:48:10   İZMİR - The İHD İzmir Branch Women's Rights Commission stated that Turkey did not fulfill its commitments to the Istanbul Convention, from which it withdrew, and said: ‘’Withdrawal from the convention is to be a partner to violence.’’   The Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch Women's Rights Commission held a press conference at the association's building on the official repeal of the Istanbul Convention on July 1, following the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention with the Presidential Decree. Cemile Karakaya read the statement on behalf of the commission at the press conference.   ‘Withdrawal from the convention is to be a partner to violence’   Stating that although the Istanbul Convention, a human rights-based convention against violence against women, was unanimously approved and ratified, there was a withdrawal with the signature of only one person, Cemile said that all women and women's institutions that contributed to the convention were ignored, left defenseless and unsupported. Cemile said: ‘’Law No. 6284, which entered into force in 2012, was prepared with reference to the Istanbul Convention. This law, which aims to protect the family as its name suggests, rather than emphasizing gender inequality, is of vital importance for women, as it regulates the support and mechanisms that women who are exposed to violence need to avoid violence, despite all its shortcomings.’’   ‘Turkey has not fulfilled its commitment’   Stating that women had to campaign for the implementation of the convention despite Turkey's commitment to implement the convention, Cemile said: ‘’Because by the political power; vested women's rights have been constantly usurped, LGBTI+ rights have been discussed, and no measures have been taken regarding male violence. We see the latest example of this in the murder of Deniz Poyraz, who was a member and employee of a legal party, in a recent raid. We see it in the release of the abusers in Antalya Elmalı, saying that 'there is no evidence in abuse', which the two siblings who were abused told with their drawings.   ‘Hate crimes are increasing’   Reminding that the LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee made a statement on June 26, 2021, that the police tortured LGBTI+ individuals, 25 detentions were made, the police attacked with rubber bullets and that AFP reporter journalist Bülent Kılıç was tortured while being detained, Cemile pointed to the extent of hate crimes. Cemile said: ‘’For the first time, the definitions of 'gender' and 'gender-based violence against women' were made in an international convention. The Istanbul Convention is the guarantee of everyone who is exposed to discrimination based on gender. It is one of the most important international conventions in terms of empowering women, preventing violence, conducting effective investigations in cases where it does not prevent it, and ensuring gender equality.’’ Cemile stated that Turkey was the first country to withdraw from the convention, which was signed by 46 countries and ratified by 34 countries.