‘Necessary to change perspective, perception, language on Kurdish Problem’ 2021-06-30 10:27:11     Melike Aydın    İZMİR - Stating that neither the opposition's stance nor the struggle is sufficient to solve the Kurdish problem, Ayşe Aydoğan, the founding member of the Peace Foundation, emphasized that it is necessary to be more compelling for peace.   After the murder of Deniz Poyraz in the racist attack by Onur Gencer against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organization on 17 June, solidarity, and condolence visits to HDP continue. One of the visitors is the Peace Foundation of Turkey, which has been operating since 2007 and aims to solve the Kurdish problem by peaceful methods and socialize peace. Ayşe Aydoğan, one of the founding members of the foundation, stated that the perception on the Kurdish problem and the language of hatred must be changed to achieve peace, and stated that the opposition's reactions to the ruling parties' legitimation of the massacre were insufficient.    ‘We did not lose a young person in the solution process’   Stating that deaths will continue unless the Kurdish problem is solved, Ayşe said: ‘’Thousands of our young people have died and are still dying. The problem can be solved with all social structures, especially the governments. There was a solution process for about three years, and we did not lose a young person during this time. The solution process came to an end, as we could not socialize peace and lay claim to process during this period, and because the government, power did not benefit from it.’’   ‘The perspective, perception and language on the Kurdish problem must be changed’   Emphasizing that it is unacceptable that MHP Chairperson Devlet Bahçeli legitimizes the murdered Deniz by illegalizing her death instead of expressing his condolences, Ayşe pointed out that first, everyone should oppose this language. Ayşe said: ‘’As long as this language continues, massacres will not be prevented, and I am worried. First, you need to change the language. It is necessary to change the perception and the perspective on the Kurdish problem.’’   ‘A strong stance must be taken against hate’   Expressing that she did not find the opposition's attitude or the struggle against racism sufficient, Ayşe said: ‘’On the first day, I watched everyone from Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to all opposition parties. Just expressing dry condolences does not bring peace. It was necessary to stand by the HDP and take a strong stance against hate.’’   ‘We must force the steps to evolve into peace’   Ayşe, who underlined that as non-governmental organizations, their scope is narrow, but that all individuals, media, women's movements should focus more on the issue and the opposition parties should be forced, said: ‘’The steps that can evolve into peace and the solution process must be forced. It is necessary to create a compelling language regarding the Kurdish problem with non-governmental organizations, trade unions and environmental organizations.’’   Finally, Ayşe expressed her condolences to HDP, Deniz's family and all democratic left socialist Kurds and stated: ‘’We say once again that we should continue our struggle so that it does not happen again.’’