İHD Women’s Commission: We not accept termination decision 2021-06-29 16:03:36   ANKARA - In a statement on the Istanbul Convention, the İHD Central Women's Commission said: ‘’We women do not accept this termination decision, which targets our existence, ignores our demands, our efforts, our struggle, and the price we pay. The Istanbul Convention is ours, the provisions of the convention are valid.’’   The Human Rights Association (İHD) Central Women's Commission has issued a statement regarding the Istanbul Convention, which will be repealed on July 1.   ‘Convention provisions are valid’   In the statement reminding the conditions under which the Istanbul Convention was signed, it was underlined that there have been problems in implementation since the date of entry into force of the Convention, but that the Istanbul Convention has always created hope for women. The statement included the following: ‘’The women’s movement gained strength. Women began to voice their demands more loudly. The "holy family" and "so-called H-honor" began to be discussed. And the 'powerful' was annoyed. The Republic of Turkey terminated the Istanbul Convention with a single signature on March 19, 2021. This decision will enter into force on July 1, 2021. We women do not accept this decision for termination, which targets our existence and ignores our demands, efforts, struggles and the price we pay. The Istanbul Convention is ours, the provisions of the convention are valid. We want to announce loudly to the entire public that we will lay claim to the Istanbul Convention until the end.’’