Peace Mothers: ‘It is up to us to end isolation’ 2021-06-29 10:18:59     Sema Çağlak    BATMAN - Noting that the isolation has affected the whole society, the Peace Mothers stated that the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is cruelty and unscrupulousness. The mothers demanded that the isolation be lifted as soon as possible.   The Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners started a hunger strike on November 27, 2020, demanding to end the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and to end the violations of rights in the prison. While the protest has been going on for 215 days, violations of rights continue. As the isolation policies spread to all prisons, families have been unable to have open meetings with prisoners for months due to the pandemics. Realized closed meetings are made for a short time.   On the other hand, applications for meeting by Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers are systematically rejected. The reasoning for the rejection of the application is the disciplinary punishments, which draws reactions from the society.   The mothers of the Batman Peace Mothers Council demanded that the isolation be lifted, drawing attention to the fact that it is a crime against humanity.   ‘We are all experiencing the isolation’   Peace Mother Leyla Onar stated that the isolation is cruelty and torture and that they do not accept the isolation policies. Stating that the isolation has spread to all prisons and society, Leyla stated that all the rights of the prisoners have been usurped. Leyla said: ‘’As mothers, we cannot turn a blind eye to this cruelty. We want this isolation to end and Mr. Öcalan to be freed. We do not want anyone to die because of hunger strikes. We are all living in isolation. The cruelty and torture suffered by the prisoners is unacceptable. We all need to speak out against the isolation and stand by the prisoners.’’   ‘We should resist to break the isolation’   Peace Mother Amine Onar also underlined that there is no justice and law in Turkey. Stating that the society is trying to be intimidated by the policies of fear, Amine said: ‘’Sick prisoners must be released and treated. Hunger strikes must end. The isolation should be lifted. We do not want anything too difficult. How much more will this state persecute us? Justice and law must come to these lands. We want peace, democracy, equality. We do not want anyone to die. This is the common demand of all peoples. To break the isolation, we should resist, we must raise our voices. It is up to us to end the isolation. We can make it through struggle.’’   ‘We should give voice to the hunger strikers’   Mentioning that the prisoners have been on hunger strike for months, Peace Mother Dilber Kaplan said that the resistance should be increased. Stating that all responsibility for the struggle is left to the shoulders of the prisoners and that social solidarity cannot be achieved, Dilber said: ‘’Hundreds of prisoners are on hunger strike. They cannot benefit from neither the right to health nor the right to life. They experience injustice every day. We must not leave the prisoners alone. They laid their bodies to die. We need to be on their side and give a voice. We must do whatever is in our power. Our silence does not lead us to success. This resistance is important for the overthrow of fascism. We can destroy fascism and end the isolation by resisting together.’’