Pervin Buldan: Closing case will not contribute to Turkey’s future 2021-06-28 15:46:32   ISTANBUL - HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar met with attorneys regarding the closure case against their parties. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan said: ‘’The closure case will not contribute anything to Turkey's democratic future and democratic politics.’’   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar met with attorneys at a hotel in Taksim regarding the closure case against their party.   The meeting, organized by the HDP Law and Human Rights Commission, was attended by former European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) judge Rıza Türmen, Reyhan Yalçındağ, Fikret İlkiz, Turgut Kazan, as well as Asrın Law Office lawyer Rezan Sarıca, Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) members and HDP’s attorney MPs attended.   Many attorneys who could not attend the meeting participated the event as an online.   ‘This trial is a historical case’   Speaking at the opening of the meeting, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan emphasized that the attacks against the HDP had risen to a high level with the closure case and that this meeting was important during the period when the attacks continued. "We are going through a difficult and painful period," Pervin said. She pointed out that the attacks on HDP continued rapidly, especially with the closure case, and that the ongoing trial is a historical one.   ‘It will make no contribution to democratic politics’   Pointing out that the country must become a country that is ‘not known for party closures’, Pervin said. ‘’Party closures are an issue we have experienced a lot in the past. As members of a party that comes from this tradition, we have all experienced such situations and processes, and have been exposed to these situations many times. Party closures are a major injury, especially for the democratization of Turkey. Just in this period, the closure case against HDP will have no contribution to Turkey’s democratic future and democratic politics.’’   ‘The case is political, but there is much to be done legally’   Emphasizing that the closure case is unlawful and carried out with political motives, Pervin continued as follows: ‘’This trial is not a legal case, it is a political case. But we know that there is much to be done legally, that is why we are here today. We will discuss what we can do together, what ways we can use to prevent this party from closing. I thank you all for participating.’’   ‘The case is based on a campaign of threats and blackmail’   Speaking afterwards, HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar stated that the judicial operations carried out against the HDP had no legal basis and that this situation was repeatedly recorded through the international judiciary. Mithat said: ‘’Actually, the political campaign carried out before the closure case remains alive in our memory. The spokespersons of the government, and especially the small partner, carried out an intense political campaign against our party, and they voiced the demand for closure at every opportunity. The small partner of the government did not carry out only one political campaign, they carried out a policy with the language of blackmail against the society that threatened the Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor’s Office. Therefore, we see that this case is based on a campaign that includes threats and blackmail. Even this reason alone would have made it unnecessary to discuss this case legally.’’   ‘It will not be difficult to refute the indictment’   ‘’We do not have the slightest hesitation or doubt that we will achieve this,’’ Mithat stated and mentioned that they will continue the legal struggle in the strongest way possible. ‘’The indictment may be rotten, it may be garbage; our defense will not be against this indictment. It will not be difficult to refute this indictment,’’ he said. After the speeches, the meeting continues closed to the press.