Raped two children, court not arrest him 2021-06-28 11:16:00     Şehriban Aslan    DİYARBAKIR - In the case where Mehmet Karacaoğlan, who raped his two children, was tried, no arrest warrant was issued despite the children's statements.   Mehmet Karacaoğlan, who lives in the Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır, exposed his two children to systematic sexual abuse in 2019. The perpetrator, Mehmet Karacaoğlan, was taken into custody on November 24, 2020, following the complaint of the mother of the children who learned about the abuse. An indictment was prepared against the perpetrator, who was released the next day, by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on charges of "major sexual abuse of the child" and "major sexual abuse of the child by chaining".   ‘We were threatened with death’   According to the indictment, two children stated in their statements taken at the Child Monitoring Center in 2020 that the perpetrator sexually abused them and threatened them with death so that they would not tell their mother. The children's mother said that she had filed a complaint against the perpetrator.   The perpetrator claimed in his statement that he was slandered.   Prosecutor gave priority to children’s statement   As a result of the evidence gathered and the statements taken, the prosecutor stated ‘’the children were five years old at the time of the incident and six years old at the time of the testimony, that children cannot be expected to make a fictional statement about the suspect, who is the father of the children, that there are no contradictions in the children's statements and that the children's statements are given priority’’.   The prosecutor emphasized that the suspect’s defense was aimed at getting rid of the crime and demanded that he be punished for the crimes of "major sexual abuse of the child" and "major sexual abuse of the child by chaining".   The perpetrator is on trial without arrest   While the indictment was accepted by the Diyarbakır 13th High Criminal Court, two hearings of the case were held.   The perpetrator, who was tried without arrest in both hearings, continued the allegations that he was slandered during the hearings.   Şevval Kamçı and Pelda Vesek, the lawyers of the children and their mothers, stated that the conditions stipulated in the Code of Criminal Procedure (CMK) regarding detention were fulfilled in the concrete incident and demanded the arrest of the accused.   Conditions of detention ‘not met’   The court board rejected the request, stating that the conditions for the arrest of the accused were not met. The board also decided to give time to the prosecution to prepare its opinion on the merits in the next session.   The next hearing will be held on October 20.