Peace Mothers: KDP betrays its language, existence, identity 2021-06-26 12:13:02   Sema Çağlak    BATMAN - Emphasizing that the Kurdish people should respond with the unity of the Kurdish people, the Peace Mothers said: ‘’The KDP is betraying its language, existence, identity, martyrs and ancestors. Let the KDP end this. Let’s not water our lands with our own blood, with our own hands.’’   The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has been conducting a wide-ranging operation in the Federated Kurdistan Region since April 23, with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Within the scope of this operation, the KDP and TSK attacked the Maxmur Camp, where civilians live, many times. While tensions and attacks continued in the region, the Qumriyê village of Amediyê was bombed on June 21. Finally, on June 24, the village of Mijî and its surroundings were bombed seven times a day, and according to the information provided by the local people, 200 sheep of the citizens lost their lives in the bombardment.   The Kurdish people, wherever they are, are calling on the KDP to take a step for unity and put an end to the attacks. Members of the Peace Mothers Batman Council also called on the KDP and condemned the attacks. The Peace Mothers, who called for the KDP to avoid cooperation with the TSK and not to get involved in the murder of their sibligns, said that the Kurds should now unite.   ‘KDP should abandon this policy’   Vesile Bayar, one of the Peace Mothers, stated that the Kurdish people are going through a historical process again, and that they are the target of attacks everywhere. Vesile stated that especially mothers do not want to see war and death anymore and stated that the massacre of siblings should not take place. Criticizing and reacting to the KDP's cooperation with the TSK, Vesile said: ‘’The KDP should not get its hands dirty with the blood of its own people. The KDP must stop betraying its people. Our enemy is clear. We must unite against this. Shedding sibling blood and betraying will not help the KDP at all. KDP should abandon this policy. All Kurds should rise up against this.’’   ‘We need peace and unity’   Pointing out that the Kurds are tried to breaking against each other, Peace Mother Nuran Seçkin said: ‘’We will not shed our own blood. We will also stand against those who try it. This fraternal fight and sibling massacre will not benefit anyone.’’ Nuran said that there has been an example before in history, and that the KDP should get rid of its title of betray and ‘sibling killer’. Expressing that this can only be achieved through unity, Nuran stated: ‘’We do not want Kurdish blood to shed. Let this war end. They're trying to turn us against each other. Let's not allow this. We cannot achieve anything with a tank or a rifle. We need peace and unity.’’   ‘KDP is betraying its language and existence’   Nuran continued: ‘’All Kurds should join hands. The Turkish state does not even tolerate our language. Why is KDP collaborating with someone who doesn't even tolerate its language? If this isn't betrayal, what is it? The KDP is betraying its language, existence, identity, martyrs and ancestors. Let the KDP end this. Let's resist this oppression, let's fight together. Kurds should not shed each other's blood in their lands. Let's not water our own lands with our own blood. I condemn the KDP. I curse. This is unacceptable what they did. It is bombing its lands, its people.’’   ‘Let’s the Kurds unite’   Saying that the attitude of the KDP is hostile, the Mother of Peace Muhabbet Tekşun stated that mothers have suffered enough and shed tears, continued: ‘’Enough is enough. It is betray for the KDP to act with its enemy. It betrays the Kurdish people. Even if a thousand years pass, the Kurds will not forget this betrayal. Let’s KDP sit down, think and take a step back. Which state, which people is bombing their own land, their people? What is KDP trying to do? Will Turkey give it a medal? KDP is wrong. Tomorrow and the next day they will even occupy the chair it sits in. Then who will reach out to it? No one but its own people, other than the Kurds, will stand by it. It should end this war. Let's ensure national unity, let the Kurds unite now.’   ‘Our hearts burn the most’   Underlining that they need peace and freedom, Medine Yavuz said: ‘’If we do not unite, we will all destroy. We cannot respond to attacks unless we are united. We have been resisting and struggling for 50 years. Shall we throw away our achievements? The gains we have made over the years have come as a result of the price we have paid. Now the KDP is trying to destroy these gains. KDP is attacking its own people with its own hand. As mothers, we want peace. Our hearts burn the most. We do not want to be occupied. If the betrayal ends, unity is formed. Our longing for peace has grown in our hearts, and it no longer fits in our hearts.’’