‘Today’s colour of Kobanê Trial is Black Sea’ 2021-06-25 14:50:39     ANKARA - Speaking in the statement made for the delegation who came from the Black Sea Region for the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, HDP MP Mahmut Toğrul said: ‘’The today’s colour of the Kobanê Conspiracy Trial is the Black Sea. We will establish the common life of this country together with the partnership of all colours and ethnic structures.’’   The 3rd hearing of the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, where 108 people, including the former Co-chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, and the former Co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Sebahat Tuncel are on trial, seen at the Sincan Prison Campus Trial Hall in the 10th session.   HDP Antep MP Mahmut Toğrul made a press release in the courthouse garden during the lunch recess, which was watched by many people from the Black Sea Region for the purpose of solidarity.   ‘The colour of the trial today is the Black Sea’   ‘’The Black Sea is the colour of the HDP Kobanê Conspiracy Trial today,’’ Mahmut said and continued: ‘’We will establish the common life of this country together with the partnership of all colours and ethnic structures. We thank them for being with us. Together we will build the future in this country. We will continue this struggle until we get our friends out and democratize the country.’’   After the statement, many people, including the delegation from the Black Sea, chanted ‘’HDP is the people, the people are here’’. The press release ended with the applauses.