Derik Municipality Co-mayor Mülkiye Esmez evacuated 2021-06-25 13:55:07     MARDİN - Derik Municipality Co-mayor Mülkiye Esmez, who was replaced by a trustee and then arrested, was evacuated.   The 8th hearing of the trial of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Derik Municipality Co-mayor Mülkiye Esmez, who was arrested on November 16, 2019, in Mardin by the decision of the Ministry of Interior, was held. Her lawyers were also present at the hearing, where Mülkiye was connected via Sound and Video Information System (SEGBİS). At the hearing, which took place after the identification, the prosecutor's office asked for a decision to continue the detention.   Taking the floor against the prosecutor's opinion, Mülkiye reacted to the decision.   Stating that the decision was unlawful, her lawyer Dildar Ektiren said that the factors that justified the continuation of her detention had disappeared. Dildar stated that Mülkiye has been in detention for a long time and demanded her release.   She was evacuated   Considering the time, she was in detention, the court board decided to evacuate Mülkiye on the condition of a ban on leaving the country and judicial control. The next hearing has been postponed to November 12.   Mülkiye is among the names demanded for a political ban in the indictment prepared about the closing of HDP.