Call to Council of State for Istanbul Convention from EŞİK 2021-06-23 15:19:39     ISTANBUL - EŞİK announced that they will act in front of the Council of State tomorrow and submit an additional petition against the annulment of the Istanbul Convention.   Against the annulment of the Istanbul Convention, which was planned to be abolished on July 1, the Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK) had previously applied to the Council of State on the grounds that the decision was unlawful. EŞİK, who did not receive a response from the 10th Chamber of the Council of State despite one week remaining to abolish from the convention, announced in a written statement that they would act in front of the Council of State tomorrow.   ‘After July 1, the decision of the Council of State has no meaning’   EŞİK called on the Council of State to issue a stay of execution before July 1, saying that "Istanbul Convention is a critical legal document for women's right to life safety and a life without violence". EŞİK stated: "There will be no point in making a decision after Turkey leaves the convention on July 1."   EŞİK announced that they will submit an additional petition to the Council of State after the statement to be made in front of the Council of State building in Ankara.