‘Prosecutor of case is government itself’ 2021-06-21 15:03:57     ANKARA - HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar said the following regarding the acceptance of the indictment by the Constitutional Court demanding the closure of their party: “The prosecutor of the case is the government itself. We have to say that the Constitutional Court squandered a historic opportunity in the name of democracy, social peace and freedom.”   The Constitutional Court (AYM) accepted the indictment against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) with a request for closure. With the participation of HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, the central executive committee met in the headquarters building. At the press conference held afterwards, Mithat took the floor.   Mithat drew attention to the following points in his speech:   “As a matter of fact, it is a great misfortune for Turkey that the Constitutional Court failed to take advantage of this historical opportunity. It had the opportunity to radically reject the indictment. There were enough legal and conscientious reasons to do so. Because the closure case was opened as a result of a political campaign that lasted for months. In short, in the background of the first indictment prepared by the Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor, there are political campaigns, threats and blackmail campaigns. Moreover, various units of the government, especially the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), not only threatened the HDP, but also the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.   People with the most basic legal knowledge can also evaluate that the indictment prepared in the background will not have any legal value.   A historic opportunity wasted   The Constitutional Court should have rejected the indictment, emphasizing these operations of threats, blackmail, enmity, and abandonment of the law, which have been going on for at least months and years. On top of that, he should have taken into account the attack on the İzmir provincial building, which was obviously the result of all these campaigns. While the attack on the İzmir provincial building and our dear comrade Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered there, clearly showed everyone what the game was played here, the fact that the Constitutional Court closed its eyes to this fact created a historical responsibility for them. If the Constitutional Court had rejected the indictment when there was an open political operation, bloody and dirty chaos plans over plans to purge the democratic politics, it would have given an important message to the Turkish society in the name of democracy hope. It did not do this, so we have to say that the Constitutional Court squandered a historic opportunity in the name of democracy, social peace, and freedom.   The prosecutor of the case is the government itself   However, we want to preserve our expectation that the Constitutional Court will adopt an attitude that will eliminate this sin in the future. We have said this many times; The Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor is not the one who prepared the indictment of this case. This indictment was prepared at the MHP Headquarters, given its final form in the legal units of the Palace, and forwarded to the Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor's Office. While the process is so open, the prosecutor of the case is the government itself.”