Women march to village where Deniz born 2021-06-19 15:54:38   MARDİN - A march was held to Xirbêmirîşkê, Deniz Poyraz's village in Ömerli. Speaking after the march, the women stated that they would keep Deniz alive in their struggle.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin Women's Council, Peace Mothers Council and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) protested the murder of Deniz Poyraz in the attack on HDP in Izmir.   The women came together in Tavuklu (Xirbêmirîşkê), the village of Deniz in the Ömerli district of Mardin province. Women walking from the village entrance in front of the houses of Deniz's family, which they had to leave in 1990, chanted "Jin jiyan Azadî" and "Şehîd namirin" slogans. During the walk, Deniz's photos were carried.   After the march, Nusaybin Peace Mothers Council member Perihan Altuğ, who spoke first, protested the attack, and greeted Deniz's mother, Fehime Poyraz. Speaking on behalf of the Kızıltepe Peace Mothers Council, Hevlet Öncü called on everyone to take action so that mothers do not shed more tears.   HDP Mardin MP Pero Dündar pointed out that the massacre was not an attack carried out by a single individual. Pero said, "No one should tell us 'He was crazy, he was drunk,'" and stated: "We know both the murderers and those who abettors. We know the murderers from Diyarbakır, Suruç and Ankara. The perpetrators of Diyarbakır, Suruç, Ankara are clear. Those who committed massacres in Rojava are open."   Expressing that Deniz's perpetrator is the Kurdish hostility produced by the AKP-MHP government, Pero said that they will keep Deniz's memory alive.