Women hang Deniz Poyraz’s photograph on city walls 2021-06-19 13:17:04   DİYARBAKIR - Under the leading of the HDP Women's Council, the women met at Mardin Gate and hung a banner with Deniz Poyraz's photograph on the walls.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Council met at Mardin Gate in Diyarbakır's Sur district for Deniz Poyraz, who was killed by the racist attack on HDP İzmir Provincial Organization on June 17. HDP MPs Remziye Tosun, Dilan Diyet Taşdemir and Şevin Coşkun, Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activists, members of the Rosa Women's Association and many women carried a banner with a photograph of Deniz and the written on "Deniz Poyraz is immortal".   While the police did not give permission to women who wanted to hang banners on the walls, police stated that they could only go on to the walls in a limited number of 10 people later. On the other hand, a woman who wanted to go on the walls was blocked by the police and tried to be pushed from the stairs.   HDP MP Dilan Diyet Taşdemir, who made a statement after the banner was hung, stated that they will carry the struggle of women everywhere and commemorated the murdered Deniz Poyraz.