‘All democratic forces must go out to streets’ 2021-06-19 11:15:42   ANKARA - Women from HDP made the following call against the murder of Deniz Poyraz: “All democratic forces in Turkey have to go out on the streets and say that they stand with the HDP. Because the dirty and political murder that started today will continue tomorrow.”   Reactions to the attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organization building in the morning of June 17 and the murder of Deniz Poyraz continue to grow. While representatives of many political parties and democratic mass organizations are sharing messages of solidarity with the HDP, calls are rising from citizens to lay claim to the HDP.   Thousands of citizens, who sent Deniz off to her last journey with the funeral ceremony held in Kadifekale yesterday, emphasized that they will protect Deniz's legacy. HDP politicians also expressed their reactions to the attack on their party and the murder of Deniz.   ‘They are targeting HDP’   HDP Ankara Provincial Co-Chair Pakize Sinemillioğlu stated that the provocation work continues in the Kobanê Political Genocide Case, which has been going on for a while, and said that a constant threat has been created. Pakize noted that all these events were the result of the government and Süleyman Soylu's long-term isolation and targeting of the HDP. Pakize continued as follows: "As the mafia-state relationship emerged, the tendencies towards us increased. They target the HDP as a scapegoat to secure themselves. He goes to our Izmir provincial organization with a waving hand. He first breaks the windows and then targets and kills the daughter of our woman friend who works inside. Then he sets fire to the place. Although our comrades inform the police as soon as they get the news, the police are late, and they do not let any of our friends in for a long time. Maybe our friend died of blood loss."   ‘We are where the word ends’   Pakize said, "We are at the end of the word," and added that these attacks were carried out because they revealed the truth and stood up for their rights and people. Pakize stated: "We will continue on our way and will never stop telling the truth, we will continue the struggle. Because we are right, we are fighting a justified struggle. At a time when the chief judge said, 'There was no attack against the HDP,' a massacre was carried out in our İzmir provincial building, under the direction of the police and the government. This is happening. Therefore, all of these are attacks on us knowingly and willfully. We will continue our struggle everywhere, without getting tired."   ‘The biggest opposition to the system is HDP’   HDP Ankara Women's Assembly Spokesperson Zeyno Bayramoğlu underlined that they were faced with a terrible massacre and reminded that organized attacks against party buildings and members had occurred before. Noting that they promised to their friends they lost in the past for fight, Zeyno said: "Today, we give this promise to Deniz. Whatever happens, we will increase our struggle even more. We will never give up until we bring justice, peace, and freedom to this country. We will bring light to this country. This is a political murder. We are facing a scandal and every day we see what important names are involved in. It was very clear that political murders were behind it if it did not stop with the scattering. They started this on us Because the biggest opposition against the system is HDP."   ‘They want to bring Turkey into darkness’   Zeyno said that nothing in politics is a coincidence and does not occur spontaneously. Stating that their only problem is not with the AKP and MHP alliance, Zeyno stated that their problem is with the system. Zeyno said: "No one can spend or dismiss anyone. The speaking mafia leader clearly states that he is a member of this organized business. That happened in the last month is a reflection of the mafia-state-press relations in the country. We will ask about this. If they think they will scare with it, they are wrong. They want to drag Turkey into darkness."   ‘The country cannot achieve enlightenment in this way’   Zeyno said that when they hung a banner, the police immediately called their co-chairs and asked for it to be removed and asked why no one intervened when gunshots were heard inside. Zeyno concluded her words as follows: "There is a police tent in front of our provincial building. This is something that is particularly overlooked. It is the result of the dirty politics played on the country for years. The government, the security and the Ministry of Interior are responsible for this. It is not the HDP's job alone to defend this and to wage its struggle. They must take all the democratic forces of Turkey to the streets and say that they are with the HDP. Because the dirty and political murder that started today will continue tomorrow. The country cannot be enlightened in this way. Therefore, it is time to build barricades against fascism. This fire will burn us all, the country. HDP is the guarantor of democracy, peace, and justice. Those who make a sound today will be a voice for the future of the country. Let everyone stand against it before there is greater suffering."   ‘We say ‘fraternity and humanity’, they say ‘no’   Zümerya Akyon from HDP, who reacted to the massacre and the attack, also called for unity. Pointing out that the government is trying to dominate the HDP and the Kurds, Zümerya said: "The state is trying to keep itself alive through the HDP. If we do not become one, we will leave one by one. We say, 'fraternity and humanity', and they say 'no'."