Women to ask for account of massacre 2021-06-17 14:04:50     NEWS CENTER - HDP Women's Council reacted to the attack on the HDP İzmir Provincial Organization and the murder of Deniz Poyraz by making a statement on their twitter accounts, saying: ‘’Women will ask for account of this massacre’’ while TJA said: ‘’Everyone should know that there is no massacre which has not been held accountable in the women's freedom struggle.’’   The HDP Women's Council and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) reacted to the attack against the HDP İzmir Provincial Organization and the murder of Deniz Poyraz with the message they gave on their twitter accounts.   The message of the HDP Women's Council is as follows:   "The government and its supporters, who caused the murder of our friend Deniz Poyraz in the armed attack on our İzmir provincial organization, will give an account of all their targeting. Women will ask the account of this massacre!"   TJA’s message included the following statements:   "Today, a brutal attack was carried out against HDP İzmir Provincial Organization and our activist. Our colleague Deniz Poyraz was killed in the attack carried out by a male-state partnership. We condemn the massacre. Everyone should know that in the women's freedom struggle, there is no massacre that has not been accounted for. Women will ask the account of this, as well," TJA shared.