Statement by lawyers and MPs about attempted attack 2021-06-16 15:12:22   ANKARA - During the recess in the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, lawyers and deputies who made a statement against the attack attempts of the racist group watching the trial said: "This attack is a provocation attempt prepared by the government, it was prepared deliberately."   During the recess of the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, which was heard by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court in the Sincan Prison Campus Trial Hall, a racist group, who watched the hearing, attempted attack to Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) politicians. Lawyers and lawmakers made a press release in front of the Sincan Prison Campus regarding the attempted attack.   ‘They insulted and threatened’   Lawyer İlknur Alcan said that while the clients and lawyers were giving their defense, a group of people made insults and threats to politicians from the corridor where the courtroom is located. İlknur noted that although the client and lawyers said to the court, "We cannot defend in this way," the court board did not intervene in the situation, and said: "These people, who were taken to the courthouse by the court, were given the title of complainants and threatened both our clients and us. This is clearly a violation of the right to a fair trial. We said that these slogans were aimed at putting pressure on the court. Unfortunately, the chief judge took a recess and left the courtroom."   ‘For provocation’   HDP Istanbul MP Züleyha Gülüm stated that the trial is a conspiracy case and not a real trial, and said: “This trial is actually a case brought by the order of the government, where they use the judgement as a stick to silence the HDP and the social opposition. We are constantly faced with distorted statements about this case by the government. HDP was the judge in this case. Our friends have revealed that this case is a conspiracy case. Those who are not content with this, as if what they are doing inside is not enough, they are trying to create a different perception with provocative attempts today. Although the places of the complainant and the prosecuted were separate, these people were taken from the entrances and exits of the people on trial. Even this is an indication that it is intended to cause a provocation.”   ‘Security is aimed at silencing us’   Reminding that the statements that the MPs wanted to make were blocked on the first day of the hearing, on the grounds of the "pandemic", Züleyha said: “Today, the press release was easily made here. They went in, shouted slogans and made threats in the corridor. What did law enforcement and superiors do against this? Nothing. No security measures were taken to ensure the safety of those attending the hearing. The security measure taken here is aimed at silencing us. And that wasn't enough, we were exposed to insulting attacks against the MPs. How do you solve the security problem here? It is clear that the government is attempting to attack ground here. We do not think that the complainants came here spontaneously, we think that it was a deliberate provocation.” The statement ended with applause and slogans such as "HDP has not been silenced, it won’t be silent".