Parliamentarian from Peace Delegation: German government in effort to support war 2021-06-16 12:45:49     Habibe Eren    ISTANBUL - Left Party Hamburg State MP Cansu Özdemir, who took part in the "Peace Delegation", which was prevented from going to Hewler by the German government, stated that the German government was trying to support the war and was trying to break the will of the Kurds. Mentioning on the KDP-Turkey cooperation, Cansu said: “The aim is to cite the PKK as a justification, and to purge the Kurds and the gains made by a great struggle in the four parts of Kurdistan.”   The Peace Delegation, which includes Kurdish and internationalist politicians, journalists, intellectuals and writers from different countries, to call for peace and dialogue against the cross-border operation in which Turkey is in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), arrived on June 12 in the Federated Kurdistan Region and they were detained and deported in Hewler. Another delegation consisting of 27 people, including Kurdish politician Abdullah Demirbaş and Left Party Hamburg State MP Cansu Özdemir, was detained in Düsseldorf, Germany, and travel ban was imposed on them.   The detained delegation was not allowed by the German government on the grounds that "our relations with Turkey will deteriorate". Left Party Hamburg State MP Cansu Özdemir evaluated the attitude of the German government and the current war situation.   ‘The German government in effort to support war’   Pointing out that the German government is trying to please Turkey by applying the "Erdoğan-methods", Cansu noted that they are using unlawful practices for this. Underlining that they want to contribute to peace as a committee, Cansu said: “We tried to be a voice against international silence. But the German government, as always, is trying to support the Turkish state in its war against the Kurds, which is against international law.”   ‘They are trying to break the power and will of the Kurds’   Stating that there is a dirty alliance between Germany and Turkey and that the said alliance targets the Kurds, Cansu said: “While the Turkish state is committing massacres, the German state is simultaneously targeting and criminalizing Kurdish activists. The weapons used against the Kurds are sent by the German state. In short, the German state both protects, supports and encourages the Turkish state in terms of economic, geostrategic and war. The German state and foreign powers, especially the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), have always wanted to establish their own hegemony in the four parts of Kurdistan. Therefore, they are trying to break the power and will of the Kurds.”   ‘The main issue is not the PKK, but the occupation of Kurdistan lands’   Mentioning on the cooperation and war partnership between the KDP and Turkey, Cansu said: “The KDP must understand very well that sitting at the same table with Turkey, forming an alliance and supporting the war of destruction against the PKK is a great danger for the Kurds living in all four parts of Kurdistan. The aim of the Turkish state is not only to destroy the PKK, but to purge the Kurds and the gains made by a great struggle in the four parts of Kurdistan, using the PKK as a justification. Recently, there was a bomb attack on Maxmur Camp. And this attack revealed the real plan of the Turkish state. Apart from the liquidation and destruction, the occupation of the lands of Kurdistan is in question. The enemy of the Kurds is the fascist Turkish state. This fascist state and its bloody-minded dictator, Erdoğan, aim to break up the Kurds and try to drag the Kurds into civil war.”   ‘Turkey’s plan is supported by NATO’   Emphasizing that Turkey's plan is supported by NATO, Cansu said that the Kurds’ strengthening in the Middle East and gaining more achievements is against the plans of foreign powers. Cansu said: “Especially looking at the history of the Turkish state, it has always aimed to shed the blood of the Kurds and destroy the Kurdish people,” and pointed out that the possible conflict and war situation among the Kurds will weaken the Kurds living in four parts. Cansu stated that this situation would not only expose the Kurds to attacks more intensely, but also the danger of losing their self-defense mechanisms.   ‘We need to avoid the risk of internal conflict’   Noting that as the "Peace Delegation" they will take legal initiatives against obstructions, Cansu said: “I am sure that we will win the legal struggle. We set out as the Peace Delegation and could not reach the Southern Kurdistan we wanted to reach, but wherever we are, we need to be able to prevent the risk of an internal conflict between the Kurds in every mechanism we are involved in, in every formation and in every atmosphere. Starting a war is easy, but the cost is very high. But even if it is not easy to achieve peace, it is the biggest step towards freedom for the Kurdish people.”