KDP prevents Peace Delegation 2021-06-14 12:25:59     NEWS CENTER - The statement that the members of the Peace Delegation, which went to Federated Kurdistan, want to make in front of the UN building in Hewler is not allowed by the KDP.   Many members of the Peace Delegation went to Hewlêr to oppose the operation launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against the Federated Kurdistan Region and to call for peace through dialogue. Some who went to Hewler were deported, while others managed to go to Hewler. Many intellectuals, writers, politicians, and activists take part in the Peace Delegation.   A group of the Peace Delegation that managed to go to Hewlêr announced that they will make a statement in front of the United Nations (UN) Hewlêr Representation today. However, it is stated that the statement will be prevented by the public order forces affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).   Blockading the hotel where the Peace Delegation was staying, the KDP public order forces stated that they would not allow a statement in front of the UN.