Sit-in against plunder of nature and operations: ‘Mount Cudi is ours’ 2021-06-11 16:53:22     ŞIRNAK - Under the leading of DTK, DBP and HDP Ecology Commission against military operations and the plunder of nature, a press release was held at the hill of Mount Cudi. A sit-in was held on the hills of Cudi, where the message "Mount Cudi is ours" was given.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Ecology Commission have been made a press release against the forest fires, nature destruction and cross-border operations that have been going on since April 23. A press release was held in the town of Balveren (Gûndikê), located on the hills of the Mount Cudi. DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, HDP MPs, HDP provincial and district organizations, ecologists and many citizens participated in the action, in which placards writing "Cudi is on fire" and "Li xwezayê xwedî derkeve" were carried.   Before the action, many village roads in the region from Şırnak to Balveren town were blockaded by armored vehicles and soldiers, and the delegation that came to the area where the action would take place was viewed with a drone from the air.   ‘The war is being waged’   Speaking in the statement, HDP MP Tülay Hatimoğulları said that there are serious natural destructions in Turkey and the region and noted that it even tried to cut down the tree that the capitalist system could not benefit from. Tülay said: "Today, it is the system of five gangs that keeps the AKP-MHP alliance alive. This system works on unearned income. There is great harm to humanity. Identity, language, and ecology must be protected, today they are waging this war by damaging nature. The resistance of women against the plunder of nature continues in many cities of the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Aegean, and Kurdistan. We see the equivalent of a tree cut on Mount Cudi in the Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Seas. We are facing a major health crisis. A very different policy is applied in Kurdistan. Instead of the trees cut down in Kurdistan, we see police stations and observation points."   ‘Mount Cudi is ours’   Stating that the natural destructions experienced are not only the problem of the region, Tülay said: "The forest fires that have been going on for years do not come to an end. By deepening the war policies on the Kurdish issue, the policy of constant war is insisted on. Today we know that all polluted waters are poured into the Marmara Sea. Today, do not think that the damage done to nature is due to military roads The aim is to establish an unlivable geography here. Yes, there were ecology problems in Turkey before, but they have been deepened even more."   ‘Isolation must be lifted’   DTK Co-chair Bedran Öztürk, who took the floor afterwards, said that Turkey has accelerated the plunder of nature and said: "Nature is being plundered within the framework of hostility to the Kurdish people. To protect its own power, all of Turkey's nature is damaged through rent. Today, this destruction is done by the capitalist system. There is a great harm to humanity. Identity, language, and ecology must be protected. This is our call: Every individual living in Turkey must fight to end the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan."   The crowd concluded their statement by holding a sit-in with the slogans "Bimre îxanet" and "Bijî berxwedana zindanan".