Sit-in for isolation and hunger strikes in Mardin 2021-06-10 14:58:59   MARDİN - HDP Mardin Provincial Organization, which carried out a sit-in against the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, drew attention to the hunger strikes that have been going on for 196 days.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin Provincial Organization made a statement to draw attention to the hunger strikes that have continued for 196 days against the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and the violations of rights in prisons. HDP and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) provincial executives and many citizens attended the statement made in front of HDP Mardin Provincial Building.   HDP Provincial Co-Chair Salih Kuday said that they do not accept the isolation and will fight against it and stated: “This isolation is not only applied on Öcalan, but on all Kurdish people. The AKP-MHP government is putting pressure on parties and institutions that want peace, democracy, freedom and the end of isolation.”   Party members then held a sit-in against the isolation.