Agricultural workers live in tents not given electricity and water 2021-06-09 11:11:10     Gülistan Azak    DERSİM - Seasonal agricultural workers, who go to Peri town of Mazgirt district to work, are struggling to survive in tents of 20 square meters, where electricity and water are not provided under pandemic conditions.   Although it is an agricultural city, thousands of people take to the road as seasonal workers from Urfa every year because there is no crop field. Workers, who experience many problems, especially racist attacks, in the cities they go to, are forced to work under negative conditions. The lack of access to electricity and clean drinking water for crowded families staying in small tents in the summer heat increases the risk of epidemics.   Seasonal agricultural workers who come to Akpazar (Peri) town of Mazgirt district of Dersim, hundreds of kilometers away from Urfa, are experiencing the same problems.   ‘No electricity or water’   One of the dozens of agricultural workers who embarked on their migration journey, Medine Gözeten (27-year-old) explained the problems they experienced. Stating that they face many problems until their destination, Medina states that traffic accidents occur during the journey. Stating that the most exploited workers in Turkey are agricultural workers regarding the situation they live in, Medina continued: "The place where we sleep, sit and use as a kitchen is only a 20 square meter tent. We have a hard time when it rains. There is neither electricity nor water. If we call it living…Employers bring water in tankers, we carry the water we get from these tankers to the tent in buckets and small bidons. The water tanker is across the road where our tents are. The road consists of two lanes. Vehicles pass very fast. We take the risk and carry water across the road. We also cook our meals over the fire."   ‘It’s harder for women’   Pointing out that seasonal agricultural work is a more challenging process for women, Büşra Çiftçay said: "We meet all the needs for life in the places we work. We work both in the field and at home. We also have to do works such as cooking, laundry, dishes and childcare. It is more difficult for mothers. The baby is affected by the cold at the edge of the field, affected by the sun, mud, and neglected in the soil. Most babies get sick from neglect."   They go city to city   Nurcan Çiftçay (20-year-old), who states that they have to go to other cities after staying in the cities they went for a month, and that what they experience consists of a vicious circle, also said: "A working season in one place lasts an average of several months. When the working season is over, we move to another place. For example, in May, after the hoeing is done, some go to pick cherries, some go to pick apricots, and some go to pick hazelnuts. In short, a family of seasonal agricultural workers must endure long journeys and change at least four-five cities during a seven-month working period. We spend half of our wages on the roads and needs. The work we do is not worth the money left in our pocket, but we have to."