‘Why do women always obliged to hide?’ 2021-06-08 10:28:55       Şehriban Aslan   DİYARBAKIR - Nurcan Kaplan and her mother, who was injured with a firearm by Tarık Kaplan, with whom she was in the process of divorce, called on the women and the authorities. Nurcan said: “The perpetrator came to kill me and my mother. But right now, we live by chance, injured. Hear my voice now, not after I die.”   Nurcan Kaplan, who lives in the Şehitlik Neighborhood of Diyarbakır's Yenişehir district, was attacked with a firearm by Tarık Kaplan, who was in the process of divorce. While the perpetrator leaves the scene after injuring Nurcan and her mother, the fact that the perpetrator has not been caught yet worries Nurcan and her family. Under the leading of Diyarbakır Bar Association Women's Rights Center, a call for support was made on social media with the tag "#LettheperpetratorTarıkKaplanbecaught" for the perpetrator's detention.   ‘There was a protection order, but he was violating it’   Nurcan stated that she has been married to the perpetrator for 15 years, but the perpetrator was arrested and imprisoned eight years ago, and was released on probation four months ago. Nurcan noted that she had been subjected to systematic violence for years by the perpetrator Tarık Kaplan and said that she constantly applied to the judicial authorities regarding this. Nurcan said: “I went to the Şehitlik and Çarşı police stations. Of course, I went to many police stations, not only them, I complained, I got a protection order. But every time he violated the protection order. I stayed in the shelter with my children for eight months after the last violence. Afterwards, he was arrested again and sent to prison.”   ‘The court and the police did nothing’   Nurcan continued as follows: “Although there was a confidentiality order in a file I complained about, I was brought to the hearing by force. Tarık Kaplan was also a complainant in the same file and he knew that he would find me there. The perpetrator, who met me in the courtroom, started insults, threats and physical attacks. Tarik Kaplan insulted me and my family in court. Despite this, the court did nothing and just took Tarık Kaplan out. The police officers outside only took Tarık Kaplan out of the hall. As always, nothing was done to the male.”   ‘Why do women always obliged to hide?’   Saying that the perpetrator came and injured her and her mother with a firearm despite his probation, Nurcan said: “He injured me and my mother because I wanted a divorce. My bones were cracking during the treatment. He did not contribute to the house, nor did he take care of my children. He said he didn't want a divorce and that if I got divorced he would kill me. He said that there was no such thing as divorce in their family, and that he would not divorce because of this. He did all this to us. We are back from the dead. I cannot move in any way, but why hasn't he been detained yet? They are constantly detained him and released. When will a solution be brought to us women? Why do women always obliged to hide?”   ‘Hear my voice’   Nurcan finally addressed the women and the authorities and said: “I don't want to die. The only thing that every dying woman says is 'don't take care of me after I die', I say the same. Take care of me before I die. Hear my voice, nothing has been done so far, at least do something after today and hear my voice.”   Perpetrator released after attacking Nurcan   Diyarbakır Bar Association Women's Rights Center lawyers said that the police and the chief of police did not keep a report about Nurcan, who was attacked in the courthouse, and did not report the situation to the prosecutor's office. The lawyers stated that even while they were meeting the police, Tarık Kaplan called Nurcan on the phone and threatened her in the presence of the police. They also emphasized that they tried to meet with the prosecutor's office on the subject, but the prosecutor did not even agree to meet at first, and that the meeting took place as a result of the insistent demands of the lawyers.   Finally, it was stated that as a result of the meeting, the courthouse police were able to keep a report about the incident and a detention order was given for Tarık Kaplan. However, Tarık Kaplan was released after his statement was taken.