Ebru Günay: Inquisition court established in Sincan Prison 2021-05-21 16:39:48     ANKARA - HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay said that today's Inquisition Court was established in Sincan Prison, where the Kobanê Trial is being held. Ebru said: "Those who think that they to silence the HDP, will be judged by this people sooner or later. Those who set up courts on lies will be buried in the rubbish of history in truth courts."   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Ebru Günay evaluated current developments at the weekly press conference held at her party's headquarters building.   ‘The order they have established is falling apart’   Reminding that it was the anniversary of the coup d'etat carried out by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) government yesterday, Ebru said that in May 2016, the immunities of the former HDP Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş and MPs were lifted and the will of the people was usurped. Ebru emphasized that the government took the dark practices of the 90s as a reference and the coup that made in 1994 against the Democracy Party (DEP) was repeated. Ebru stated: "Since then, an uninterrupted attack on democratic politics has prevailed in Turkey. With this coup, they handed over the will of the parliament and the will of the people to the gangs and the mafia. Now this order they established is falling apart. They wanted to replace democratic politics and replace it with this gang and mafia system. However, neither we gave up our struggle, nor our captive friends took a single step back, nor did the coup plotters achieve their goal. Not only the peoples of Turkey, but the whole world has not forgotten the plots against democratic politics, the conspiracy, the putschists and those who supported this coup despite being unconstitutional."   The headlines of Ebru’s speech are as follows:   "These plot and conspiracies still continue with attacks against our party. The ruling bloc builds its basic policy on attacks against the HDP and the Kurdish people, while the country has all sorts of problems, especially the deepening poverty, economic crisis, and the pandemic, and it needs to find solutions to these problems urgently. Last week, several gangs attacked our HDP Headquarters building. Will the HDP, which does not give up so much pressure and cruelty, arrests and sentences, will be destroyed by your two stones? So, what about the law enforcement perching next to our headquarters building? The police, who were alarmed when the two citizens came together, did not just watch the attack, they literally guided them and helped them escape. There is a Kurdish proverb. 'Heft çîrokên hirçê hene, each heft jî li ser hirmiyê ye.' So, the bear knows seven stories; all seven are related to pears. There are a thousand stories of the fascist power partnership, and a thousand about the attack on the HDP.   They think they can judge the HDP   One of them is the Kobanê Conspiracy Trial. The trial hearing is conducted unlawfully as much as the background of the case was prepared unlawfully. It would not be an exaggeration to say that today's inquisition court was established in Sincan. They think that they can prosecute the HDP with a conspiracy case full of lies and intimidation to push the HDP out of legal politics. But they are wrong. Those who think that they to silence the HDP, will be judged by people sooner or later. Those who set up courts on lies will be buried in the rubbish of history in truth courts. As Sebahat Tuncel said ‘Facts have a bad habit of being revealed. Here we are the voice of the truth. Those who feed on the dark are afraid of the light. They see us as an obstacle because we defend the equality of the peoples of Turkey.’   Our friends showed how fascism was judged   As Figen Yüksekdağ says ‘Our friends are being tried for being the murderers of our lost comrades, on the other hand, the minister of this political power does not undergo investigation into exposed mafia relations. We say, 'The king is naked'. There is a coup in this country. As Demirtaş said ‘This case is not the Kobanê Trial, it is a conspiracy and political revenge case against HDP. One day, the Kobanê Trial will also be opened and the real responsible, those who perpetrated the massacre and those who had it done, will emerge. Let everybody be sure, then we will not be in the defendant chair.’ Our friends showed everyone how fascism will be judged, and the truths will be defended for great costs in this trial. We greet all of them.   Isolation spreads all over the country   The reason for this dark picture and the decay that the country is dragged into is the insistent isolation policies. They start their unlawful policies in İmralı prison and spread them throughout the region by region, city by city, street by street. They are applying isolation because they do not want peace, because they do not want welfare to the people and because they do not want a solution. Because they know very well that if they lift the isolation on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, peace will come to these lands and there will be no war left for them to feed on. It is precisely in this atmosphere that thousands of prisoners are on hunger strike in more than a hundred prisons. The demands of those on hunger strike for unlawful practices in prison, especially the isolation on Mr. Öcalan, are legal and legitimate demands from the beginning. We embrased all the demands of the prisoners to the fullest, say their demands are our demands, and we ask the authorities to take a step as soon as possible.   We witness the conflict   The dirty relationship network that is currently happening and exposed in Turkey confirms all of what we said yesterday. For years, we have been telling this criminal network of these dirty relations in our meetings, questions and research proposals, statements and defenses, especially in the general assembly. We said the facts cannot be covered up. Today we see the results, we will see further. The bureaucrats who prepared the Susurluk report say, "Look at the frame, not the people." Yes, this system produces crime. The state is not transparent, democratic, or controllable. There is no legal system that works with justice. This brings with it ganging up within the state and the state's hand over to the mafia. Today, people who are in executive positions are doing politics with the media organs paramilitated through the relations they have established with the mafia-gangs. They resort to all kinds of lies and tricks to strangle the democratic politics and the struggle to seek justice with the nationalist and chauvinist feelings that they have taken from. Now we are witnessing the conflict of interest of criminal organizations that are into the state. The dirty relationship network that is currently happening and exposed in Turkey confirms all of what we said yesterday. None of the things that have been disclosed for years, especially in the general assembly, in our rallies, in parliamentary questions are not surprising. It has been confirmed by the confessions that those who live in joy, while driving the people to starvation, are a machine of corruption and crime. All of those in this network of relationships are an organized gang element that plays with the fate of millions, is an enemy of society and get under civilians’ skin.   The state became a mafia, the mafia became a state   Gang-mafia-contra structures have always been active in the administration of the country. Kurds know this best, Kurds dealt with this face of the state the most. What is happening today is not a demand for correction, but a partnership fight over the establishment of a new structure. What is desired to be corrected is the restoration of the unearned income and the mafia order. This dark structure grew so much that the state became a mafia, the mafia became a state. This is the truth that emerges. The dire thing is that the Minister of the Interior, in charge of internal security, is at the heart of all these dirty relations. Soylu, who attacks our party every day and is hostile to democratic politics, mainly tries to cover up his crimes with these attacks. But useless effort, all of those who get into the state with the methods of mafia and gangs must sooner or later be accountable to people, to justice.   Minister of Interior should resign   In the light of the confessions and evidences made, the Minister of Interior should not only resign, but should be tried in the Supreme Court. The system that reveals should be abolished, and a democratic, controllable, transparent, pluralistic management system should be built. An urgent investigation commission should be established within the Parliament, and the financing, political and other pillars, which are the basis of the emerging media-mafia-state pillar, should emerge as soon as possible. The era of self-laundering by attacking the HDP of those whose hypocrisy has been revealed is over. You cannot cover up your crimes by attacking the HDP, by acting heroism. Together with our people, we will create a clean and democratic future against this alliance of criminals.   Week of Disappearances emphasis   This week is also the week of the disappeared. We are talking about the perpetrators of the disappearances in the week when the people who were forcibly disappeared, tortured, and their bodies destroyed are frequently commemorated. While the interior minister addressed the Saturday Mothers, saying that his children did not disappear while traveling in Eminönü and defending the extrajudicial executions, he was of course with the perpetrators of this work, as it turns out today. If those were accounted for what they had done, who settled in the billion-dollar marinas by saying 'If it wasn't us, the mafia would be there', this decay would not have happened. The president, who told the late Mother Berfo, we will find her son's bones, did not keep his promise. He made those who carried out extrajudicial killings partners in the palace at that time. We greet the struggle of all mothers, children, and relatives whose relatives were lost by the state during the disappearance week.   We reject the bargaining of demands for freedom   Since May 10, hundreds of Palestinians, including at least 68 children, have lost their lives as a result of the Israel state's attacks on Palestine. There is a humanitarian and political crisis in Gaza, in which 450 buildings were destroyed and 52,000 people displaced as a result of ongoing bombardments. As HDP, we condemn the expansionist, militarist and racist policies of the Israel government against the Palestinian people. The HDP will continue to stand by the oppressed wherever the persecution is and whoever it comes from. We never take a step back from our principled and internationalist attitude on this matter. We stand by the freedom and peace hopes of the peoples of the region, without tolerating either anti-semitism or fundamentalist, racist approaches. We reject the demands for freedom to be the subject of dirty negotiations.   Proof of hypocrisy   The AKP regime, which seems to shed tears for Palestine, is a partner in attacks against Palestine through its relations with Israel. The dominant role of cement, rebar, and similar construction by-products of 10 billion dollars sold to Israel from Turkey since the 2000s in imprisoning Palestinians between walls separating them cannot be denied. The AKP government prioritizes the interests of the İkhwan groups, not the rights of the Palestinian people, in other words, it makes ideological calculations based on this life and death. It is discriminatory and polarizing even in Palestine. If the AKP government were really principled towards the bombing of Palestinian cities and the massacre of civilians, it would not have resorted to systematic state terror in Cizre, Sur, Nusaybin and Şırnak in 2016. If they were principled, the channels of dialogue and negotiation on a solution would be kept open instead of the coup mechanism in the country. Maybe we would witness a completely different political and social picture where young people do not migrate and do not experience deaths. The fact that those who stand against the persecution in Palestine, become Israel against the Kurds and peoples inside is a proof of the hypocrisy they have experienced.   Call for early elections   The AKP government is carrying the war into the Iraqi Kurdistan Federal Region, as a government that has pledged its future to the continuation of wars and conflicts. The cross-border operations that have been going on since the 90's have done nothing but reflect the country as more deaths and a greater economic burden on the working peoples. From now on, these attacks will only deepen the Kurdish problem and economic crises. Those who impose war on the country are the ones who collapsed to the resources of the country through the network of mafia and gang relations. Death to the children of the people is the ones who see luxury for their own children. We continue our struggle for the end of this dirty, rotten style of politics to end the sectarian, militarist and hypocritical policies that impose deadlock both in the country and in the Middle East geography. The people also did not have the patience to send this power. That is why we call for early elections to be held in a short time.   The agricultural land was dried   While Turkey is struggling with agendas such as war, one-man regime, poverty, unemployment and femicide, we also face a famine that will affect the entire population. Water scarcity and the food scarcity it will bring. Due to global warming and the wrong policy pursued against it, 35 percent of the cultivated agricultural lands in Mardin, where I became a MP, have dried up. This rate has increased to 80 percent in Diyarbakır and 40 percent in Urfa. Of course, this drought is related to the lack of expected rainfall this year, but on the other hand, it is due to the failure to establish alternative irrigation systems during the 19-year AKP rule. The government, which spent hundreds of billions of TL on concrete and bullets for 19 years, did not make any investment in this field, which brought us to this point.   2,000,000 tons of yield loss will be experienced   In short, it is predicted that 2,000,000 tons of yield loss will be experienced throughout Turkey due to the drought experienced this year. This is also a sign that food prices, which are already very expensive, will increase further. This drought issue should be brought to the agenda immediately and practices should be implemented for the benefit of both producers and consumers. At this point, the State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) should provide free water for agricultural lands in areas experiencing urgent drought. Direct cash assistance should be made to compensate those who suffer from drought. Small-scale farmers' debts must be cleared immediately.   AKP uses water in Northern and Eastern Syria as a weapon   The AKP government continues the more hostile form of water policy it pursues in Turkey in Northern and Eastern Syria. The government, which sees water as a "weapon" against the people trying to survive in pandemic and war conditions, acts against the agreements it signed. Many international organizations, especially the UN, criticized the AKP's cutting off the water from the Alouk Water Station in Serekaniye to Heseke and said that it was aimed at civilians. Today, systematically, the AKP government continues to use water in Northern and Eastern Syria as a weapon. Leaving the peoples of North East Syria, who live together with the pandemic and war, without water is a crime against humanity."