‘Turkey files genocide trial to achieve its goal’ 2021-05-17 13:30:27     Dîcle Demhat   KOBANÊ - Evaluating the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, PYD Euphrates Region Co-Chair Berivan Hesen said: “HDP fulfilled its humanitarian duty like everyone who rebelled in the Kobanê process. If this is a crime, millions should be tried for it today.”   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, and Democratic Regions Party’s (DBP) former Co-Chair Sebahat Tuncel, including 108 politicians, were tried in the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial. The case will continue to be seen tomorrow. Democratic Union Party (PYD) Euphrates Region Co-chair Berivan Hesen evaluated the process, stating that the trial was unlawful.   ‘There has been a historical resistance’   Berivan reminding the war in the city of Kobanê in 2014 and the difficult period experienced by the Kurdish people, said: “ISIS gangs formed by the ruling and hegemonic forces carried out attacks on the Rojava area, especially the Kurdish regions, with the aid of the Turkish state in 2014. The heaviest attacks were directed at the Kurdish regions and the Kurdish people were subjected to genocide in front of the eyes of the whole world. It is a known fact that the majority of the city of Kobanê is made up of Kurds. The city of Kobanê was an important area for the Kurdish people. Leader Apo was the first city he came to on his way to Rojava. Therefore, with the permission of the Turkish state and international states, the city of Kobani was targeted by ISIS and planned rude attacks were carried out. At that time, Rojava youth, women, young women and the whole people formed their own forces together. People's Defense Units (YPG) – Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) was established at that time. But there were only individual weapons. It did not receive aid or support from any state like ISIS. While ISIS gangs were using heavy weapons, YPG-YPJ forces were resisting in the positions with their individual weapons. With the resistance that took place in September 2014, the resistance of the city of Kobanê has become history.”   ‘Kobanê eliminated borders’   Stating that with the mobilization initiated for Kobanê at that time, the peoples united with the Kurdish people and claimed the resistance in the Middle East with a single voice, Berivan stated that the borders were abolished with the revolution in Kobanê, where the borders were drawn with the Kasr-ı Şirin Treaty. Berivan said: “The unity of the peoples was formed in the city of Kobanê with the attacks of ISIS gangs" and stated that the world agenda was Kobanê. Berivan also mentioned that November 1 was declared as World Kobanê Day and said: “If such a resistance was displayed, no state would support the YPJ-YPG forces and the people of Kobanê. But with this resistance and the people of four parts of Kurdistan claiming Kobanê, the coalition forces had to offer support. In this resistance, women played a big role and made voice of women heard to the world. That is why the Kobanê revolution became a women's revolution. We revolutionized within the revolution. Thousands of young women removed the borders and moved to the Kobanê area to take part in this revolution and to take place in resistance positions like other women. Dozens of them fell martyr at the border without drinking Kobanê water.No matter how much we talk about that period, we cannot do well-by of  it. The resistance of that time was passed into the souls of the people.”   ‘HDP helped families within the legal framework’   Berivan drew attention to what happened at that time to protect the public and the support of HDP members and MPs elected by the will of the people. Stating that they held meetings with HDP MPs not to experience the same things as the Ezidi people in Shengal, Berivan noted that they are working together. Berivan said: “HDP is a party that works in the Turkish state for the formation of a democratic society. Just as the PYD is trying to accommodate all the peoples and be the voice of everyone, today HDP is working to be the voice of the people living in Turkey. At that time, they supported the families who migrated from Kobanê to create a place where they can live. Just as the whole world rebelled for the city of Kobani and its people, the HDP embraced this people as a humanitarian duty. Camps were established, all the needs of the people were met by HDP members and MPs. While doing these, HDP did not violate any of the rules of the state. It has officially supported public.”   ‘HDP contributed to the revolution’   Berivan, who said that filing a lawsuit after six years after the defeat of ISIS against the YPJ-YPG, supported by Turkey, was an intolerance towards the Kobanê victory, underlined that the HDP contributed to the revolution with its solidarity. Stating that the case filed was unlawful, Berivan said: “Turkey did its best to prevent this revolution from occurring. At the same time, after the revolution, they had attacks with psychological and special warfare methods to void this revolution. However, when Turkey failed in this,it filed a Kobanê Trial against HDP MPs and members. This trial is against the law. The Turkish state and its courts are in an unlawful trial. HDP fulfilled its humanitarian duty like everyone who rebelled in the Kobanê process. And the whole world witnessed this period. If coalition forces, human rights organizations and international courts will be silent against this case today, it is partner to the lawlessness of the Turkish state. If the power of ISIS gangs had not been broken at that time, today the whole world would be faced with a threat. With the victory in Kobanê, ISIS gangs were broken in Manbij, Raqqa, Tapqa, Dêrazor and Bahoz. Unable to digest this, Turkey turned to the Kurdish people and politicians. Today's trials are unlawful.”   ‘Kobanê is not an ordinary trial’   Noting that the pressure exerted by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) – Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) government is not limited to the territory of Turkey, Berivan cited the events in Efrîn, Girê Sîpî and Serêkaniye as an example. Berivan said: “The Kobanê trial is not an ordinary case. The Turkish state has filed this case today to achieve its goals. The aim of Turkey is to break the unity of the peoples, to remove the safe areas where the Kurdish people and other peoples live together freely in a democratic system, to destroy the autonomous administration system, which is an example to the whole world and the Middle East.”   ‘Those who remain silent become a partner to the lawlessness’   Lastly, Berivan emphasized that all peoples should speak out to this lawsuit against HDP and said: “Today, states that remain silent in the face of this lawsuit are partnering with Turkey’s unlawfulness. If helping the people of Kobanê in the Kobanê period is considered unlawful and the trial is being held today, millions of people will be judged. We do not accept this trial. Just as we united for the Kobanê revolution and crowned it with victory, we will become one against this unlawfulness and win today.”