‘State which becomes mafia targetting women’ 2021-05-17 10:49:45     İZMİR -  Stating that women are the targets of the mafia and the state relations that are intertwined in the suspicious death of journalist Yeldana Kaharman, women pointed out the importance of the spread of woman organising.   The leader of the organized crime organization, Sedat Peker, stated that university student and journalist Yeldana Kaharman, who was found dead on March 28, 2019, in her home in Elazığ, was raped by AKP MP and Mehmet Ağar's nephew Tolga Ağar. He had announced that the incident was covered by the gendarmerie and the judiciary. After the statement, a lawsuit was filed against journalist Baransel Ağca, who revealed Yeldana's autopsy reports and the negligence of the gendarmerie and the judiciary. Stating that the state-mafia relationship has been interwoven from the past and the male structure of the state has been exposed once again, women argued that women should be organized against the male-mafia-state.   ‘Disclosure has no purpose to protect women’   Stating that the mafia has taken over the state now as in the past, Besriye Tekgür from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Women's Council stated that the state targets women, everyone who speaks out and reveals the lawlessness. Reminding that Sedat Peker had threatened massacre against academics before, Besriye said: "But nothing happened to Sedat Peker, he went abroad by waving his hand. The politician and writer who tweeted is being investigated and imprisoned. In the death of Yeldana, the gendarmerie and the judiciary covered the investigation. We see that there are gangs and the deep state among the state. But the truth is revealed. Disclosure does not aim to protect the woman. "The male state, male police, male judge, male father and husband can easily kill women when they cannot get what they want by establishing hegemony over them."   ‘State, judiciary and police force against women’   Reminding that women are not safe and that the perpetrators are punished by the struggle of women on some agenda, Besriye reminded that Zaynal Abakarov, the main suspect in the disappearance of Gülistan Doku in a small place like Dersim, was not tried and his father was a police officer. Stating that the woman who brought out the prostitution gang in Muğla was threatened by the police, Besriye said: "All these show how the judiciary takes place against women together with the state and police. The state leaves women to die, trying to abolish the Istanbul Convention, which protects women, whom women won through struggle. We saw the traps of hegemony that the government cannot manage the situation, it is ruling with gangs."   ‘We should reach more women’   Stating that women are always in the field against unlawfulness and they need to get stronger, Besriye said: "We have great responsibilities. We should tell the woman sitting at home about the lawlessness and call for more struggle against the male-dominated power. We are trying to do this. We need to increase work in neighborhoods."   ‘We must be the ones to judge’   Stating that after the statements of Sedat Peker, it was revealed that the country was ruled by the mafia, Didar Gül from the Socialist Women's Council stated that both the state itself and Sedat Peker were a figure of the male-dominated system. Stating that women displayed the support of the state in the massacres of women in every action, Didar said: “This is the first thing we said when Yeldana was murdered. We exposed that Yeldana's murderer was the male-dominated system itself. This is an issue we have been struggling with for years. Such things will arise as a result of the conflicts of interest of this state became a mafia. We must seek ways of going as far as the women's liberation struggle, the social struggle, and the destruction of the male-dominated fascist system. We must unite in a joint struggle. We must be the ones who will judge them."   Suspicious death of Nadira Kadirova   Cansu Erkmen from Purple Solidarity, who stated that the reckoning within the mafia is always in the lives of women and that women are also struggling with this masculinity, reminded that Nadira Kadirova was found dead in the house of AKP MP Şirin Ünal. Stating that they will follow the developments regarding the suspicious death of Yeldana and they will bring to account, Cansu said: "An investigation was opened against the journalist Baransel Ağca, who revealed the autopsy report. We know that we live in a country where there is no freedom of the press, where the male-dominated system refers to women's lives and their rights, but we do not hesitate to fight against it."   ‘How many women are in the hands of gangs?’   Cansu, who pointed to the reality of a state that implements a policy of impunity for men who want to abolish the Istanbul Convention and tries to alleviate the crime with various discounts, said: "Men attemp against our lives and try to dominate our bodies. A female friend of ours was detained by the prostitution gang in Muğla. We are also following this case closely. These are the news that can be reflected in the press. We know that there are thousands of reports that are not reflected in the press. For this reason, we want to build the women’s struggle. We learned this due to disagreements within the mafia itself. If they could understand, we would not be able to learn."