Racist attack to Kurdish family 2021-05-14 16:46:04     MERSİN - The family, who came to Mersin from Hewler, was attacked by a racist group that made a grey wolve sign with stones and batons. One seriously, two people were injured in the attack.   The Kurdish family, who came to Mersin from Hewler, the capital of the Federated Kurdistan Region, was attacked by a racist group with stones and batons. In Bozyazı district, two people were injured, one seriously, from the family who was attacked by three people. A citizen named Cihan Kutluk, who was in the around, came to the aid of the injured people. The wounded were taken to the hospital by ambulance, which was called to the scene. While no information was received as to whether or not the racist group that escaped from the scene after the attack was taken into custody, it was stated that an investigation was initiated into the incident.   Cihan Kutluk, who was an eyewitness and intervened in the incident, made the following statements to some media outlets: "They attacked the man and his 12/13-year-old boy with stones and hit their heads with stones. The man fainted, dashing towards the barriers. They tried to throw the man off the cliff. It might be portrayed as a way-of-way fight, but it really was not. When they made grey wolve sign and swore to the Kurds, I realized that it was a racist attack. They swore to the Kurds for five minutes. I took the man and put him on his jeep and took him to the gendarmerie point. Then we called the ambulance and brought it to the hospital."   ‘Blood was constantly coming from his nose and head’   Cihan went to Tekeli Gendarmerie Station after the incident and made a statement. The statement given by Cihan at the Gendarmerie Station is as follows: "On 13.05.2021, at around 16:00, I was traveling to Antalya with my vehicle from Adana province because I had a body. As soon as I came to Gözsüzce Neighborhood of Mersin’s Bozyazı district, I saw that the traffic stopped on the winding roads. When I got out of the vehicle to understand why it stopped, I saw a white jeep with foreign license plate standing at the front and a few people were fighting. When I went to break up the fight, I saw that the black Honda Civic with 01 YG 428 plate was standing in front of the white jeep and three people getting off the black vehicle beat the driver of the white jeep to death next to his family. Although we tried to break up, we were not successful. I saw that the foreign person who owns the white jeep, also battered up his wife and children. 01 YG 428 black plate numbered passenger, whose name I later learned was Mehmet Fatih Oflaz, took a large stone in the hand and hit the driver's head and face of the white jeep four times. In his first hits, the person lost his balance and was overturned towards the roadside barriers. They tried to throw him through the barriers into the cliff. In the last hit, the person collapsed, fainting. Although he was languishingly on the ground, they continued to hit. Blood was constantly coming from the mouth, nose, and head of the person.   ‘He made threats against the Kurds’   Later, after the people around shouting 'he is dead, enough', they left the person unconscious on the ground and turned towards their vehicles. While they were getting into the vehicle, the person named Mehmet Fatih Oflaz turned backwards and said, 'I will be waiting for the witness of this event and I will kill. Whoever witnesses this event ... I will narrow this place to you. ... the Kurds', he made such threats. Later, I brought the unconscious person into their vehicles with my own efforts and brought them to the petrol station named Aytemiz, which is close to Tekeli Gendarmerie Station and informed the gendarmerie teams. I deliver the video of the crime scene and the moment, which I took on my phone, to the Tekeli Gendarmerie Station Command teams to be added to the investigation in line with my consent and request. These are my experiences and knowledge regarding this incident."