Released refugees quarantined 2021-05-12 16:29:08     DENİZLİ - Four refugees who were held at the Repatriation Center for participating in the Istanbul Convention action were quarantined five days after they returned from Aydın to Denizli by their own means after their release.   Iranian refugees named Esmaeil Fattahi, Leili Faraji, Zeinab Sahafi and Mohammad Pourakbari Kermani, who were detained on March 20 for their participation in the Istanbul Convention protest in Çınar Square in Denizli city center, were held in Aydın Repatriation Center (GGM) on May 7 as a result of objections and public pressure. Refugees returning to Denizli from Aydın Bus Station with their own means were quarantined by the filiation teams who came to their homes five days later.   It was reported that the refugees, who were informed that a passenger test was positive from the bus they boarded, were quarantined until May 17, after gave medication.   Test request not accepted   Esmaeil Fattahi, one of the refugees, said that they wanted to be tested persistently before they were released from the GGM, but their demands were not met. Expressing that the demands of the civil servants to be taken to Denizli by institution vehicles within the scope of corona measures were not met, Fattahi said: "They left us at the bus station with our road documents by not accepting our test and vehicle requests. Although we said that they endangered both our health and the health of the people in the bus station during the pandemic period, they did nothing. We came to Denizli with Metro Tourism with our own means. This morning the filiation team came and left us medicine and said we were in quarantine."   Stating that they did not know where the positive case was contacted because the institution was not tested, Fattahi said: "Ministry of Health officials said that the test of a passenger on the bus was positive and we were quarantined because we were in contact. They would not test, but upon our persistent request, the filiation team made a test, we are waiting for the results."   Metro Tourism, which we reached on the subject, confirmed that the passenger in question was traveling in their vehicles.