From HDP to violence of Israel: ‘Solution way is diplomacy’ 2021-05-12 15:02:03     ANKARA - In the statement made by HDP Co-Chairs, "It is a great wealth for all peoples of the Middle East who have different ethnic identities and beliefs to live together under equal conditions. The solution to the problems between Israel and Palestine is diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation."   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar published a written statement regarding Israel's attacks on Palestine. In the statement, which emphasized that the solution to the problems between Israel and Palestine is diplomacy, dialogue, and negotiation, it was stated that hundreds of Palestinians were injured after the attack of the Israel security forces on the Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in East Jerusalem on May 8 and the attacks of the Israel state were condemned by all sections.   ‘28 Palestinians were killed and 128 were injured’   In the statement, it was noted that the Israel state did not stop its attacks despite the world opinion and international institutions’ calls to reduce tension and end the violence against civilians, mentioned: "According to the latest balance sheet announced by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 28 Palestinians, 10 of them children, were killed and 128 people were injured. We condemn these attacks once again, we wish the Palestinian people and the relatives of those who lost their lives condolences and get well soon to the injured. As if it was not enough that the Palestinian people have been subjected to displacement for decades, it remains the target of systematic state violence, this is both against humane and international law."   ‘Stop attacks on civilians immediately’   In the statement, which pointed out that the developments are worrying, it was underlined that the targeting of the civilian settlements by the parties is an effort to turn the tension in the region into a war. In the statement expressed: "For this reason, we express that we are against all kinds of attacks against the peoples of the region, regardless of belief and ethnic identity. We call on the parties to immediately stop the attacks on civilians."   ‘We call on the international public to immediate duty’   The statement pointed out that the solution to the historical and current problems between peoples and beliefs in the Middle East is not conflict and war, but diplomacy, dialogue, and negotiation: "It is a great wealth for all peoples of the Middle East who have different ethnic identities and beliefs to live together under equal conditions. This is true for Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, as well as for Israel and the Palestinian territories. There is nothing legitimate and justified in any state violence against peoples. To prevent the conflict from escalating in the region, we call on the world opinion, especially the United Nations (UN), and institutions and organizations to take an urgent duty for the immediate end of the atmosphere of violence and conflict."