Names of killed women hung on Sur 2021-05-11 14:58:22     DİYARBAKIR - HDP Women's Council hung the name of the killed women on the Keçi Bastion due to the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Council made a statement in front of the historical Keçi Bastion in Diyarbakır's Sur district on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention. HDP Women's Council Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran, HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş and MPs Semra Güzel, Remziye Tosun, Dersim Dağ and Nuran İmir attended the statement.   ‘106 women were killed’   Women hung the banner on Keçi Bastion with the names of 106 women who were killed as a result of male violence in the first four months of the year. Then, Ayşe Acar Başaran, who made a statement in front of the bastion, said that violence against women increased due to the ban imposed due to the epidemic. Ayşe pointed out that despite all the calls, women were not protected and wanted to be protected. Stating that the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has not abandoned its woman hater policies since the day it started politics, Ayşe stated that the AKP insisted on woman hater policies without slowing down.   ‘Women will not give up’   Emphasizing that at least 106 women have lost their lives in four months since 2021, Ayşe said: "During this period, we have hung the names of 106 of our female friends and sisters to the public in the form of banners. The Istanbul Convention is not an achievement given to women by the grace of the AKP Chairperson. On March 20, the AKP leader declared in a midnight coup that he was annulling the Istanbul Convention, which was signed with the common parliament and the great struggle of women. It shows that women in Turkey and Kurdistan have not accepted this one-man coup every day since that day, and that the Istanbul Convention is not an achievement given to women by the grace of the AKP chairperson. The convention is a gain that women have achieved through great struggles, by paying a price, and they state that they will not give up. Common actions are being held for the Istanbul Convention all over the world."   ‘It won't end until we say it’s over’   Referring to the fact that HDP Women's Council wanted to draw attention to a truth from Diyarbakır, Ayşe said: "If the Istanbul Convention were implemented, 106 women whose names were mentioned on the banner would be alive. The rights of children who were subjected to harassment and abuse today would be protected by law. Children would not be abused. If the Istanbul Convention had been implemented, men would not have the courage to call and threaten women from prisons, and they would not have used such reckless violence, thinking that the male judiciary would justify and support their crimes. If the Istanbul Convention had not been terminated, a woman who took a restraining order 23 times would not have been killed, women would not have faced gender equality and discrimination every day. The Istanbul Convention is in force. This will not be done until we say it is done. We will continue to fight for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention."   ‘We invite to claim the Istanbul Convention’   Finally, Ayşe said: "The Istanbul Convention has not been terminated. The Istanbul Convention is in force. This is not done when the single man says, ‘I withdrew my signature’. Today, women started a hashtag on social media. We invite all women to claim the Istanbul Convention through social media, even though we cannot go out on the streets with the IstanbulConventionIs10YearsOld and WeWontGiveUp tags."