'Fish deaths can prevent with effective inspections' 2021-05-10 12:58:48     Sema Çağlak   DİYARBAKIR - Speaking about fish deaths and rivers becoming uninhabitable for aquatic creatures, ÇMO Diyarbakır branch co-chair Fatma Akgün said: "The clearest solution to this situation is the correct operation of control mechanisms."   The result of policies that plunder nature is the destruction of living life and the irreversible deterioration of the ecological balance. Live deaths occur in Diyarbakır as a result of these policies that do not take into account the nature. An example of this happened in the district of Silvan. On May 6, it was revealed that tens of thousands of fish died as a result of the use of pesticides in the stream bed in the Alibey (Mîrelîyan) Neighborhood of the district. Last year, Diyarbakır Bar Association City and Environment Commission filed a criminal complaint regarding fish deaths due to the closing of the dam gates, but there was no development regarding the criminal complaint. Fatma Akgün, Diyarbakır Branch Co-chair of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers (ÇMO), called for sensitivity to this while evaluating the damage caused to nature.   ‘One of the factors is the construction of dams’   Fatma said that the center of the fish deaths was the nature massacre and that the dams built in the region were the biggest factor. Fatma stated that the water levels in rivers and streams decreased with the retention of water and the oxygen amount and flow in the water decreased accordingly and said: “Intensive agricultural spraying in the region creates chemical pollution when it mixes with groundwater and therefore in rivers located nearby. Discharges from nearby mines, concrete plants and industrial facilities along the Tigris River and other water resources all cause fish deaths. Therefore, the intervention in the habitats of living beings has caused the balance of nature to be disrupted and the life cycle of all living things in nature to be affected, and as a result, such an event has unfortunately caused conscience.’’   ‘It causes the death of living things by occluding their gills’   Fatma pointed out that structures such as hydroelectric power stations (HES) and dams adversely affect the life balance of living things. Noting that HES and dams cause a serious decrease in the water level along the bed, Fatma said: “This causes serious damage to the ecosystem living there. For example, especially after the dam body, the water flow rate stagnates along the line, the water height decreases and the waterbed shrinks, and if the amount of rainfall decreases due to seasonal conditions, the oxygen rate in the water decreases and unfortunately the death of the living beings occurs. Another example is a possible small crack in a hose and pumps, and concrete mixed with water as a result of tears can seriously block the gills of aquatic creatures and cause them to suffocate. In short, both the construction and operation processes of these structures carry significant risks for living life.”   ‘Pesticide residues should be away from water’   Referring to the fact that sand pits, factories and oil refineries also pollute the water, Fatma said: “In the last period, agricultural spraying and mixing with water, especially industrial agriculture, also cause pollution. We can talk about the negativities experienced as a result of the lack of supervision. If enough control mechanisms are operated by the relevant administrations, situations that would risk living life in sand quarrying activities are prevented. The discharge of waste water originating from activities such as factories and facilities into the river without treatment affects both the living life and the soil quality. Regarding agricultural pesticides, if the amount of pesticide is given too much, the ammonium and sulphate values in the water will exceed the desired values. Again, all these effects should be minimized. It is important that the amount of drug used is low and pesticide residues should be kept away from streams. All negative effects can be prevented by inspections and sanctions, and besides, it is important to raise environmental awareness.”   ‘The clearest solution is the right control mechanism’   Emphasizing that she is working on what happened, Fatma said: “As the board of directors, we made a detailed study on this issue and we agreed on the necessity of taking initiatives to ensure public awareness and sensitivity in relevant institutions. On-site inspection, due to the conditions we are in, we are planning a study as soon as possible after the feast. The clearest solution to this situation is the correct operation of the control mechanisms. We should not sacrifice our living spaces for different political purposes. We should not destroy our future. We, as a trade association, can state that we will take all necessary steps by reasoning in a conscientious way. However, if you ask what is the solution to this problem? The basic solution, destroying of nature, the slaughter of ecology must end immediately.”   ‘We call the relevant institutions to duty’   Pointing out the necessity of taking water samples from the regions where fish deaths occurred, Fatma also underlined that the controls and inspections should be tightened to ensure the continuity and sufficient level of life water and also that pesticide residues should not be discharged into the water. Fatma stated: “At least on certain days of the week, the water height, water flow rate and dissolved oxygen amount can be measured from certain points along the line and step and measure alternatives can be developed according to the result. As ÇMO Diyarbakır Branch, we call on all relevant institutions and call for sensitivity to the whole public.”