Perpetrator of sexual abuse appears before judge after 2 years 2021-05-06 13:12:33     DİYARBAKIR - The perpetrator Hatip Korkmaz, who sexually abused four children in Bağlar, appeared before the judge for the first time in two years. The perpetrator said that "slander" by making familiar male defense to justify himself.   The families of the children filed a complaint about Hatip Korkmaz, who sexually abused four children in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır on March 7, 2019. The perpetrator Hatip Korkmaz, who was detained on March 11 upon the complaint, was arrested by the Diyarbakır 3rd Magistrates' Office. In 2019, Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office prepared an indictment against the perpetrator with the charges of "Child Sexual Abuse" four times, "Deprivation of Liberty of the Person" four times, "Threat by Chain" once. The indictment prepared in 2019 was accepted by the Diyarbakır 6th High-Criminal Court this year.   'I went on pilgrimage' from the perpetrator to the children   In the indictment prepared, it was stated in the statements taken at the Child Monitoring Center (ÇİM) that the perpetrator deceived them with the promise of money on March 7, 2019, committed sexual abuse and managed to escape at the last minute. It was included in the indictment that the perpetrator threatened the children with physical violence. In addition, the statements of the accused to the children that he said; "I went on the pilgrimage" and then threatened them with death were included in the indictment. While it was noted in the indictment that the families of the children complained about the defendant, the defendant's statement that was said was a slander reminded the men’ usual defense.   Prosecutor demanded punishment for separate crimes   As a result of the investigation and evidence, the prosecutor demanded that the perpetrator be punished for the crimes of "Child Sexual Abuse (four times)", "Deprivation of Liberty (four times)" and "Threats by Chain (one Time)".   While the indictment was accepted by the Diyarbakır 6th High-Criminal Court, the first hearing of the case was held on April 19. While the hearing was adjourned to September 22 because the missing matters were resolved, a lawsuit was given for the arrest of the perpetrator.